  • 學位論文

探討知識轉移成功之影響因素: 以民眾使用醫療網站為例

Understanding the Factors Influencing People’s Knowledge Transfer Success

指導教授 : 洪新原


知識轉移是知識管理循環中重要的一個階段,本研究透過民眾從醫療網站進行知識轉移的過程,來探討知識轉移成功之影響因素。本研究以社會認知理論為基礎,並加入了科技構面來探討知識轉移成功之影響因素。研究構面是以科技因素、環境因素、個人因素等三個構面來進行分析。科技因素包含網站可及性、作者權威性及資訊架構與設計;環境因素包含行動線索與信任;個人因素包含自覺罹患性、自覺嚴重性、自覺行動利益、自覺行動障礙及資訊素養。本研究的樣本蒐集是由網路問卷的方式進行,共回收474份有效問卷。 研究分析結果顯示,影響知識傳遞成效的顯著因素為作者權威性、資訊架構與設計、信任、自覺行動利益及資訊素養;影響知識吸收成效的顯著因素為信任、自覺罹患性、自覺行動利益、資訊素養及知識傳遞成效;在影響知識傳遞成效的顯著因素裡,以科技因素及環境因素為主;在影響知識吸收成效的顯著因素裡,則以個人因素為主。最後本研究提出學術與實務上之建議,提供利害關係人參考。


Knowledge transfer is an important phase in the knowledge management cycle. The study is to explore the courses of knowledge transfer success through people absorb knowledge from the healthcare websites. Based on social cognitive theory, a research model is developed and empirically tested. Influencing factors from three dimensions are identified, including:. technological factors, environmental factor, and personal factors, Technological factors include website accessibility, author reputation and information architecture and design. Environmental factors include cues to action and trust. Personal factors includes sperceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers and information literacy. The responses are collected using the Web survey. Total 474 usable responses are collected. The results indicates that author reputation, information architecture and design, trust, perceived benefits and information literacy significantly affect knowledge transmission. In addition, trust, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, information literacy and knowledge transmission significantly affect knowledge absorption. The technological factors and environmental factors mainly affect the knowledge transmission. The personal factor mainly affects the knowledge absorption. Finally, this study also provides the recommendation for the academics and practitioners.


李廣均,(民90)。初探網路醫療的發展和限制─ 以醫療資訊網站為例。醫護科技學刊,3(2),200-214。
洪新原,丁宏祈,黃心怡。(民 94)。影響醫院導入醫療網站之關鍵因素分析。醫療資訊雜誌,14(1),65-76。
