  • 學位論文


The Influence of Health Social Networking Sites on User Health Behavior

指導教授 : 洪新原


由於近年來社交媒體的 興起,越多網路使用者擁有群站經驗,有越來多的民眾也透過網路社群獲取醫療健康相關資訊。在社群上積極分享與討論醫療健康相關的資訊,這些甚至影響到他們保健與醫療決策。 本研究目的為透過社會認知理論、資與健康網路 社群相關文獻回顧,來探討使用健康網路影響行為的因素進而提出理論架構,並經由實證的方式來驗本研究。 研究對象為使用過健康 網路社群的民眾,在 網路社群的民眾,在 網路社群的民眾,在 10 個健康網路社群中以問卷的方式來進行調查,主題 個健康網路社群中以問卷的方式來進行調查,主題 個健康網路社群中以問卷的方式來進行調查,主題 涵蓋癌症、糖尿病營養運動減重等。網路問卷總共發放 381 份,有效問 卷為 298 份,有效回收率為 份,有效回收率為 份,有效回收率為 78.22% 。研究結果發現, 。研究結果發現, 。研究結果發現, (1) 社會資 本理論的關係本變數-信任、認同與互惠皆會透過社知理論的支持或健康行為自我效能間接地影響健康行為; (2) (2) 社群 成員的健康 行為自我效能會直接影響成員的健康 行為自我效能會直接影響行為,亦透過結果預期與自律間接影響健康; (3) (3) 社群成員對於健康行為 社群成員對於健康行為 的結果預期會直接影響健康行為,亦透過自律間地; (4) (4) 社群 成員的自律程度會直接影響健康行為; (5) (5) 社群成員所感受到的會支持透 社群成員所感受到的會支持透 過健康行為自我效能與結果預期間接地影響。 最後本研究提出學術與 實務


In recent years, due to the popularity of social media, more and more Internet users have the experiences of using social networking sites. More and more people obtain the health information by using the social networking sites. They frequently share and talk about the health information on the social networking sites. Those health information they accessed usually influences the healthcare and medical decision they make. Based on Social Cognitive Theory and Social Capital Theory, this study developed a research model to investigate the factors related to the health social networking sites affecte the user health behavior. A Web survey to 10 health social networking sites, including cancer, diabetes, nutrition, physical activity, and diet themes, was conducted. There were 298 usable responses collected. The results indicate that (1) three constructs of relational capitals, including trust, identification and reciprocity, indirectly influence social support and health behavior self-efficacy; (2) health behavior self-efficacy directly influence health behavior and indirectly influence health behavior through outcome expectations and self-regulation; (3) outcome expectations directly influence health behavior, and indirectly influence health behavior through self-regulation; (4) self-regulation directly influence health behavior;(5) social support indirectly influence health behavior through health behavior self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Finally, this study also provides the recommendation for the academics and practitioners.


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