  • 學位論文


Survey and Analysis of Waterborne Related Enteric Viruses and The Viruses as Indicators of Human Sewage Contamination in Aquatic Environment of Taiwan

指導教授 : 許昺慕


人類腺病毒(HAdV)和人類多瘤病毒(HPyV)皆普遍存在於環境中,被 視為潛在的人類污水之污染指標。本研究除了針對台灣水庫及溪流水體進行水體 樣本的檢驗,另外也採集了雲嘉地區的生活排放水以進行各腸道病毒的相關檢 驗。這些環境水體經過 GN6 濾紙的初步過濾濃縮後,再以定序之分析方式探討 其基因型別。另外也利用即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應檢測環境水體中腺病毒的濃 度。最後以檢測所得到之結果輔以統計分析方式進行延伸探討。另外,規畫了不 同的水樣濃縮方式去評估環境水體中腺病毒的回收效益,以及了解腺病毒在環境 水體中的常態分佈狀況。 各腸道病毒在朴子溪、全台河川、雲嘉地區的生活汙水均有檢出。人類多瘤 病毒在朴子溪、全台河川均有檢出, 但檢出率偏低。在朴子溪的部分,腺病毒 定量結果如同其檢出率趨勢,以冬季最高。作為汙染指標病毒的腺病毒及多瘤病 毒之總檢出率分別為 29.41%及 5.94%,而腸病毒為 6.55%、諾羅病毒為 10.52%。 病毒型別的檢出分別以人類腺病毒 41 型、諾羅病毒第二群、豬腸病毒為大宗。 在朴子溪,不同的病毒其檢出率會和各項水質指標存有顯著差異。相較於人類多 瘤病毒,在本次研究結果中,腺病毒更適用作為環境水體污染的指標。 水樣離心法的結果顯示,常態下病毒在水體中存在情況以液態為主占 93.44%。在水樣過濾法的孔徑大小比較中,以 0.45μm 濾紙對溪流水體中腺病毒 的回收效率較佳。


The human adenovirus (HAdV) and human polyomavirus (HPyV) are ubiquitous in the environment, they seen as a potential pollution indicators of human sewage. In this study, In different environments for each enteroviruses-related testing. These environmental water after GN6 filter paper concentrated, and then to analyze the sequencing to investigate the genotype. There is also the use of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction detected in environmental water adenovirus. Finally, the results obtained by the statistical analysis plus extended discussion. In addition, planning different manners to concentrate water samples to assess the environmental benefits of recovery water adenovirus, and to understand the normal distribution of adenovirus in environmental water. Each enteroviruses in Putsu River, Taiwan rivers, sewage Yunlin and Chiayi areas were detected. The detection of rate Human polyomavirus was low. In Putsu River, adenovirus quantitative results as the detection rate trends, the highest in the winter. As pollution indicators of viruses: adenovirus and polyomavirus. The detection rate was 29.41% and 5.94%, enterovirus was 6.55%, norovirus was 10.52%. The most common is the human adenovirus type 41, Norovirus (GII), Porcine enterovirus. Compared to the human polyomavirus, adenovirus was more useful as indicators of environmental water pollution. The results show that the centrifugal method, under normal conditions the presence of virus in the water in liquid form mainly accounted for 93.44 %.In comparison of pore size filter method, the recovery efficiency of the filter paper with 0.45μm on stream water adenovirus was better.


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