  • 學位論文


Research of Medical Specialists Transferring to the Aesthetic Services Market

指導教授 : 簡建忠


「當我進入醫業時,我鄭重地保證:要奉獻一切為人類服務,憑著良心與尊嚴從事醫業,病人的健康為我首要顧念」。 早期醫事父權的時代,「醫師」代表至上的權威以及極高的社經地位,連帶的享有高於一般人的生活物質享受。時至今日,醫療市場環境丕變,間接影響民眾就醫習慣,醫療產業轉趨服務化,醫師責任制度的實施,讓身處金字塔頂端的醫師族群,在外人看似薪資豐厚的背後,隱藏許多不為人知的辛酸及壓力。 在經濟環境的趨勢下帶動了醫學美容市場的崛起,台北東區醫學美容診所林立,反映醫療市場轉型且競爭激烈的現況。凡具備醫師執照,無論專科科別,無須接受住院醫師訓練,皆可進入醫學美容市場執業。相較於中大型醫院需要輪值班、應付各式評鑑、研討會及大大小小臨床會議,醫學美容市場開業或執業之醫師更顯輕鬆且單純,因而造就現階段醫療市場人力失衡的窘境。 依據202位醫學美容執業醫師所提供問卷的分析結果,本研究發現醫學美容執業醫師傾向於自利主義,且身為醫學美容執業醫師可獲得較佳之勞動權益。最重要的是,身為醫學美容執業醫師可擁有個人醫療事業,同時亦可尋回從醫熱情及市場定位。 本研究亦提出儘速建立醫學美容執業界線,防止醫師素質良莠不齊現象;正視醫界人力流失問題;視健保給付制度關鍵問題;為保障醫師執業生涯,醫界前輩呼籲取得專科醫師資格尤佳等建議。


“As the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession, I solemnly pledge myself: To consecrate my life to the service of humanity; I’ll practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration”. In the early medical era, “Physician” means highly authority and status. Therefore, they enjoyed better life style than others. However, the medical environment has changed severely and caused patients changed their medical habits as well. Medical industry has been becoming service industry in the past decade. Many physicians suffer from overworking condition without extra payment because they were expected from traditional duties. The prosperous economy brings the blooming of medical aesthetic services. In Taiwan, when a physician obtains medical licenses, when he/she passes the examination, no matter his/her specialty may be. All most any qualified physicians can offer medical services and treatments. Physicians working in the hospital are required to work on duty, handle lots of accreditations, and attend to seminars and clinical meetings. On the other hand, working in the medical aesthetic market seems easier and more flexible than working in the hospital. Based on the analyses of questionnaires from 202 medical aesthetic physicians, the author found that medical aesthetic physicians are inclined to individualism and received better compensations than physicians working for hospital. Moreover, medical aesthetic physicians could develop their own medical careers and business. The author also suggested that government should set the medical aesthetic boundary; deal with the problem of losing the qualified physicians in traditional medical areas; examine and restructure the medical insurance payment system; new physicians should be qualified as specialist before he/she can offer medical aesthetic services.


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