  • 學位論文


The Way to Comparing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change with the International Bill of the Human Rights Based on Comparative Law

指導教授 : 廖宗聖


自聯合國於1948年通過世界人權宣言後,發展至今,五項重要人權文件被統稱為國際人權憲章,作為保障普遍性人權的根本大法。近年愈趨受到關注的氣候變遷議題之下,各種極端氣候對人權的侵害或威脅亦開始被討論。畢竟,世界人權宣言問世後60年間,各種普遍性人權的內涵已逐漸被充實且確定,而人權受氣候變遷所影響之情形亦為國際人權文件所規範之內涵,並非毫無可能。是故,聯合國人權理事會(United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC)與其前身聯合國人權委員會(United Nations Commission on Human Rights, UNCHR)於最近10年間已陸續提出一些報告與決議,闡述氣候變遷對生命權、健康權、適當生活品質及自決權之具體影響,並討論由國際人權法規範國家保護氣候變遷人權義務的可行性。   就保障「氣候變遷人權」此項目的而言,乃是期望國際法可用於處理人權受到氣候變遷的不利影響,然而,就現行國際法架構而言,要解決問題顯然無法脫離國際人權法與國際氣候變遷規範的討論,始能獲取較完善之解決方法。在此過程中,正如曾任美國國際法學會會長的Anne-Marie Slaughter所述:為使國際法發揮應有效用,可運用比較法等方法來檢視國際法的適當性。為此,有必要針對比較法的精神、概念、原則與架構加以釐清,並且提出比較法可用以比較國際法的論據。透過比較法的運作,期望可以對現行國際氣候變遷人權保障法制的適當性加以評估,使國際人權法與國際氣候變遷規範確實發揮其保障人權與人類存續的功能,避免氣候變遷人權的保障有所疏漏。


It’s been sixty-seven years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by United Nations. This Declaration is a fundamental document to protect human rights, which provided some fundamental human rights to be universally protected for the first time. In 1996, another four documents besides the UDHR were all together making up the International Bill of Human Rights. The common standard to protect general human rights has been developed and affirmed over the past sixty years. It’s necessary and interesting to realize the “density” of protected human rights for dealing with the cases about human rights affected by climate change. More frequently the extreme weather happen, more worth the issue of affected human rights is paid attention to. The objective of international law about climate change and human rights is to protect fundamental rights of human beings and make sure the existence and stability of human society. For fulfilling this purpose, it’s necessary to examine the adequacy of international law timely as Anne-Marie Slaughter said. In this course, comparative law is a good method to use. That is the expect to building a efficient way to applying international law for protecting the human rights affected by climate change based on the spirit, objective and methods of comparative law in this thesis.


