  • 學位論文


The Civil Liability for Damages of Medical Malpractice.

指導教授 : 謝哲勝


研究本論文之動機係由於,近十數年來醫療糾紛不斷,醫師與病人間爭執難解,故而思起研究本論文,以作為可能解決之道。本論文共分八編,以醫療過失損害賠償為核心概念。第一編為「緒論」編,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍、研究方法,並探討相關文獻、研究架構與流程;第二編「醫療過失行為之歸責與責任內涵」,說明醫療過失之概念及責任;第三編「醫師之醫學倫理及醫師診療之義務—以醫師告知說明後病患自主同意為中心」,說明醫師於法律上之義務,並與醫師倫理之關係;第四編「醫療行為過失與損害發生之因果關係」,說明醫師過失行為所造成損害之因果關係;第五編「醫療過失所生損害賠償之舉證責任與鑑定」,說明在損害賠償證明上,醫療鑑定之定位;第六編「緩解防禦性醫療續燃—建立訴訟外醫療糾紛解決機制(Alternative Methods of Disputes Resolution,簡稱ADR)」,說明解決醫療糾紛之道,並參考國外之運作方法;第七編立法建議,介紹國內最新之立法走向;並於第八編作結論,提出個人多年參與實務民刑事訴訟之醫療糾紛經驗,所認為醫療糾紛解決主要之重點或爭點,用供學術界及實務界參考,以期達到醫療過失訴訟紛爭解決之道。


The research motive of this paper is due to over the past few years of medical disputes in Taiwan. The dispute between physicians and patients, and therefore thinking from the research of this thesis, as a possible soluting way to slove the dispute between physicians and patients.The paper is divided into eight chapters with medical negligence for damages as the core concept. Chapter I is "Introduction". Described research motivation and purpose, scope, methodology, and explore the relevant literature, research processes. Chapter II is "The liability of medical negligence and the responsibilities of connotation " . About explanation of concepts of medical negligence and responsibilities. Chapter III is "The medical ethics and the obligation of physician –The center of the doctors’ informed consent for the patients’ autonomy ". Explained the legal obligations of physicians to, and relationship with physicians’ ethics. Chapter IV is " The relationship by the reason and result of medical negligence and the damage ". Indicating the physician’s negligence caused damage to the relationship between the reason and result. Chapter V is" medical negligence born of damages and identification of the burden of proof ". the appraisal and burden of proof between the medical negligence and the damage. Chapter VI is" Preventing the regeneration of the defensive medicine - Establishing the outside litigative resoluting mechanism of medical dispute (Alternative Methods of Disputes Resolution, referred to as the ADR)". The way to resolve medical disputes , and with reference to the methods of operation abroad. Chapter VII is "Legislation proposal".Tto introduce the newest trend of legislation and to draw conclusions. Chapter VIII is " In conclusion".Providing personal experience for many years involved in medical disputes practice civil and criminal proceedings, be considered the main focus of medical dispute resolution or a point of contention, with reference for academics and practitioners, in order to achieve medical negligence lawsuit dispute solution.


