  • 學位論文


Research for Development and Propagation of Secular Literature in The Tang and Song Dynasties

指導教授 : 鄭阿財


俗文學的概念約起於五四運動以後,但實際上,在都市興起的唐宋時期,俗文學便在市井之間,以說、唱及說唱的表演形式流傳著,如說書、唱俗曲歌謠及講唱變文、諸宮調等,但流傳下來的材料或相關記載並不多,故有關俗文學的相關研究多集中在材料保存較為豐富的明清時期。在西元1900年敦煌藏經洞的重見天日,其中有一批形式、內容通俗的俗文學材料,如變文、曲子詞、俗曲、通俗詩等,及俗文學相關記載的寫卷,則進一步證實俗文學萌芽於唐代;再加上,都市的興起、商業的發達、市民的崛起、識字率及印刷術的逐漸發展等條件,唐宋時期實為俗文學發展的關鍵期。 除了俗文學文本所呈現的形式、題材外,進而以俗文學的特性,如表演、傳播、娛樂、教化等,探討唐宋時期約六百六十一年,俗文學共時性及歷時性的發展。首先,確立俗文學的理論,所謂的「俗」是指「世俗」,為「普羅大眾喜聞樂見」者;其中也包含「通俗」之意,若僅以「通俗」涵蓋之,則易與「民間文學」有所混淆。採取三分法的立場,雅文學、民間文學、俗文學三者並列,以便較完整的探討唐宋時期的俗文學。 接著,以俗文學理論勾勒唐宋俗文學的樣貌及其發展,唐代的俗文學因敦煌藏經洞得以保存下來,一窺其形式、內容,如講唱體的變文,韻文體的曲子詞、通俗詩等。宋代的俗文學僅有少數流傳下來,多需透過文人筆記的記載進行檢視,進而推論其在表演時所呈現的樣貌。以「說」為表演型態,有小說、講史、說經等,說話人的底本「話本」,多為明代的文人輯刊而流傳下來;以「唱」為表演型態,有小唱、嘌唱、唱賺等,幾乎沒有唱本流傳下來;以「說唱」為表演型態,僅少數由文人仿作民間說唱而保留下來的,如鼓子詞、諸宮調。 最後,以表演、傳播為視角,探討從唐到宋俗文學的發展及傳播的情形。唐宋時期的俗文學,以口頭傳播為主,採說、唱、說唱的表演方式呈現;書面傳播為輔,以傳抄、刊刻的方式流通。因時代、社會背景及城坊制、夜禁等管理政策的差異,使俗文學表演的空間、時間及表演情況,皆有所不同。俗文學透過傳播才能將傳達給民眾,其形式、題材,往往隨著傳播的時空及傳播者的身分、傳播對象的階層等因素的影響而有所變化,不再僅僅是題材、形式之間的相互影響及繼承的關係。


表演 話本 俗曲 變文 俗文學 唐宋 傳播


The concept of secular literature, results from after approximately the May 4th Movement, but in fact, the rise of the Tang and Song Dynasties in the metropolis; the performance is by saying, singing and rapping spread between the marketplace, such as storytelling, singing folk song sing songs and tell Bianwen, Gongdiao etc.; but the material or relevant records have spread very little, the related secular literature, more concentrated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In AD 1900, the Dunhuang Library Cave had been rescued dawn, where has one batch of forms, content popular secular literature materials, such as Bianwen, Quzi-CI, folk song, popular poetry, and so on; according to written records, the volume of secular Literature is further confirmed from the Tang Dynasty. Since the rise of urban, commercial development, the rise of the public, the literacy rate and the gradual development of printing and other conditions, Tang and Song Dynasties show the critical period of development of secular literature. Secular literature, synchronic and diachronic development by exploring Tang Song time approximately 661 years period, not only the text presents forms and themes, but also according to its characteristic, like performance, dissemination, entertainment, enlightenment and so on. First of all, the establishment of secular literature, theory, so-called “custom” is referred to “secular”, which is meant “loved by the general public."”In which also contains the sense of “common”, if only “common” cover the literature, it easily has the confusion with “the folk literature”. In order to obtain the integrity to discuss the secular literature of the Tang and Song Dynasties, we adopt the trichotomy positions, including elegant literature, folk literature, and conventional literature. Then, by secular literary theory depicting the faces of the Tang and Song secular literature, and development, secular literatures of Tang Dynasty could be preserved because of the Dunhuang Library Cave and a glimpse of its form and content, like talking and singing of Bianwen, song words of rhyme style, popular poem, etc. Only a few secular literary of the Song Dynasty have been handed down, and we must review the scholar's records to infer the appearance of performance. As for saying of performance, such as novel, history, Buddhist stories, etc., “Hua-Ben”most of drafts were spread down because of scholar's publications at the Ming Dynasty; as for singing of performance, such as Xiaochang、Biaochang、Changzuan etc., the songbook has hardly spread down; As for rapping of performance, Only a few were preserved via scholars imitating the folk comedy, such as Guzi word and Gongdiao. Finally, we take performance and propagation as the angle of view to discuss the development and propagation of secular literature, from the Tang to the Song Dynasty. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the dissemination of secular literature, was mainly oral, and the way of performance was including saying, singing and rapping; secondly, in written by the transcription and publication communicated secular literature. Because of the differences in the regulatory policy, including the time, the social background, the city system, the night endure and so on, they have led to divergence of secular literature, from the space, the time and the performance situation. Secular literature, can only be communicated to the public by dissemination, and its form and subject, often varied by the influence of time and distance, the identity of propagator, the class of circulating objects, and the other factors; it is no longer just the mutual influence and inheritance relationship between subject matter and form.


黃 征、張涌泉《敦煌變文校注》,北京:中華書局,1997年5月。


