  • 學位論文


From the Edge to Worldwide: The Theater Life and Script Literature of Mr. Kuo Pao Kun

指導教授 : 汪詩珮


郭寶崑一生雖崎嶇卻精彩,他為新加坡戲劇藝術貢獻之豐碩成果,涵蓋了劇場演出、劇本創作、劇場教育,同時扮演對外交流溝通的角色,為新加坡劇場引薦亞洲及世界各地表演藝術之相關技法與藝術觀點。本文透過梳理郭寶崑的劇本文學、評論、論文和演講等文獻資料,全面地分析其藝術關懷對新加坡社會、劇場藝術和世界的影響,如何從邊緣的處境走向世界的廣度與理想。 全文以年分次序編排及論述,藉由郭寶崑三個時期的戲劇創作與藝術關懷,觀察郭寶崑在新加坡和亞洲劇場藝術所扮演的重要位置。本文第二章先以新馬歷史與戲劇脈絡為楔子,從中觀照郭寶崑早期的戲劇啟蒙和劇本創作,與當時社會背景的互相關係。第三章主要論述郭寶崑戲劇生命的全盛時期,從戲劇文本的分析與參訪經驗,建構郭寶崑對僵化體制如何影響個體生命的批判觀點,以及對戲劇創作反省和再思考。第四章則是梳理郭寶崑在劇場教育、藝術交流和文化政策上的貢獻與省思,並分析其晚期戲劇的特色與關懷面向的轉變。最終,將結合本文對郭寶崑分析觀點,重新觀看其積極經營和關注的多元文化,與現今世界的緊密關係,以及文化認同的叩問帶給人們的省思。


Throughout the remarkable life of Mr. Kuo Pao Kun, he had made great contribution to Singaporean Performing Arts, including theater performance, script writing and theater education. Moreover, Mr. Kuo’s intensive interaction with worldwide organizations had brought in numerous brand new techniques as well as different perspectives for Singaporean Performing Arts. The author studies Mr. Kuo’s written scripts, reviews, articles and speeches; to analysis the impact of Mr. Kuo’s sense of art towards the Singaporean society, theater performing arts and the ideal world, in a perspective that starts from the edge to worldwide. The article follows chronological order to observe Mr. Kuo's importance towards Singaporean and Asian theater performing arts, through his scripts and concerns of arts in three different stages. Chapter two starts with Singaporean and Malaysian historical background; as well as development of drama, from which studies the relationship between Mr. Kuo's early scripts and the society. Chapter three studies play scripts and interviews transcript of Mr. Kuo's prime stage in drama, and analyzes his criticism on the effects of rigid political system unto individuals, which reflects on his playwriting. Chapter four analyses special features of Mr. Kuo's works at the late stage and changes of his concerns, via studying his involvement and reflection on theater education, interaction of arts and cultural politics. Lastly, the article looks into the relationship between Mr. Kuo Pao Kun's concern at multi-culture, and cultural commitment of present days.


羅蘭.巴特(Roland Barthes):《文藝批判文集》,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2010年。
