  • 學位論文


Internal factors of Environmental Governance: A Case Study of the United States and Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


氣候變遷影響甚大,各國履行氣候義務實行相關行動,國際上聯合國的氣候行動有其使命性,氣候會議的結構愈加深了各國氣候行動的影響力。然而,各國的影響力不僅僅來自於外部,內部因素也是推行氣候行動的基礎,本文以內部因素的構成介紹美國及台灣的氣候行動,首先以氣候現況及聯合國的氣候行動為鋪陳,加上第二章節環境治理相關理論的推行,再接續介紹美國及台灣的氣候行動,分別以政府、企業及非政府組織的角色,介紹國內的氣候行動。 美國的氣候行動偏向政府的政策制定及面對聯合國的氣候會議態度,構成政府部門的相關作為,以柯林頓、小布希及歐巴馬時期分別介紹相關政策;然而企業部分,由工會及各產業代表做介紹,分別是美國石油研究所的Energy Tomorrow行動介紹和德州的化石能源稅收為訴求的工會行動介紹,以及產業的部分以天然氣、風力發電、太陽能發電為再生能源探討的因應行動做介紹;非政府組織則是以自然資源保護協會的Beat the Heat地圖行動、Sierra Club的酷城市做介紹;最後,則以PPP模式介紹美國公私合營的氣候行動結尾。 台灣的氣候行動以非政府組織的林立為特色,政府是以增訂法案為氣候行動為依據,在李登輝、陳水扁及馬英九時期各別通過不同氣候法做為台灣政府氣候作為的介紹;企業則以企業轉型的歷史淵源介紹氣候行動;非政府組織則是以各團體意識所關心的氣候議題做介紹,總體而言,台灣的氣候行動不勝枚舉。 面對氣候議題,除了國際的作為外,內部因素是本論文想突顯的氣候行動因素,不僅僅是全球的氣候治理,在國內的環境治理上,更有不同國家施展的不同氣候作為。 關鍵字:氣候變遷、聯合國、環境治理、內部因素


Global climate change brings lots of negative impacts to the environment, and each country has their own duty to take responsibility for it. United Nations has built the strong structure and actions to be the main organization to deal with climate problems. However, not only United Nation is responsible for the global climate change problems but also the other countries need to contribute their actions on it. In this thesis/ study I would like to investigate the actions of USA and Taiwan in overcoming the current difficulties of climate. According to the main topic, my thesis is focused on three related sections: (1) The policies of the government and (2) The rules of companies regarding to the climate problems and (3) Non-government organizations (NGOs) have some disagreements with government they follows each climate topics and have the interactions regarded to each problems. There are three internal factors of USA and Taiwan’s actions reacting to the global problems that I analyzed in this thesis: policies of the government, companies do the climate action and NGOs. The study also mentioned to another feature of USA’ action is PPP mode and Taiwan’s action is NGOs activities. Both of them do emphasize of these internal factors. Keywords: climate change, United Nations, environmental governance, Internal factors


王京明,「澳洲溫室氣體排放及其減量政策措施」,經濟前瞻,第105 期(2006年5月),頁58-63。
