  • 學位論文


The Value of Female House Purchasing Behavior in Taiwan:Based on Means-End Chain Approach Analysis

指導教授 : 莊世杰


現在台灣女性經濟通常獨立,在房地產市場上形成一股不容小覷的力量,台灣在女性購屋佔男女性別的比例,已經連續七年超過五成,本研究以『方法目的鏈』模式(Means-End Chain Model 簡稱 MEC)來進行研究,訪談已經購屋的女性消費者來取得分析資料,藉以深入瞭解女性消費者購屋選擇的心理動機,探討購屋會對女性消費者產生何種價值,透過資料分析而將要素歸納 20 項「屬性、結果、價值」三層階層,並繪製女性購屋價值階層知覺圖(HVM)找出關聯路徑,而透過本研究的結果可以得知女性消費者購屋的心態及帶來何種結果與價值,並將得知之資訊作為市場分析的參考依據。 研究結果發現女性消費者購屋重視的屬性是房屋座落在「鄰近生活所需」,透過這些屬性能擁有好的「外部環境條件」及「生活機能便利性」的結果,進而達到「生活便利舒適」的購屋價值。因此不動產相關業者對於吸引女性消費者的開發或行銷策略,須能重視女性消費者購屋決策與其鄰近生活所需息息相關,尤其是外部環境條件良好及能夠帶來生活機能便利性,以能為女性消費者帶來生活便利舒適之最高價值為整體規劃設計,相信即能吸引更多女性消費者族群目光。


Nowadays female in Taiwan not only achieved financial independently but also became a stronger power in real estate market. In the ratio of house purchasing by gender, female have already accounted for more than half for seven years. This research is based on means-end chain (MEC) model. MEC model was adopted for analyzing the data were collected through one-to-one in-depth interviews with many female house purchasers. By understanding female house purchaser’s motivation, discuss what kinds of the value may bring to female buyers. Via data analysis, there are 20 factors could be concluded into 3 separated levels, which are “attributes,result, and value”, afterward the HVM (hierarchical value map) could be leveraged to find correlation relationship among these 20 factors. Through the research we could get the intension of the female house purchasers and the subsequence and value.That information could as the reference for the property market. The result indicated that the attribute that female put more focus on is whether house located nearby their daily life needs, to enjoy more on better external environment conditions and convenience, so to achieve the house purchasing value of life convenience and comfortableness. Therefore, the real estate companies should focus the marketing strategy that whether the house located her daily life needs, especially the good environment condition and convenience, will highly influence female purchasers’ decisions. So if we can start to the planning from how to bring the most convenient environment to female purchasers, it can definitely help to attract much more females’ attention.


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