  • 學位論文


Research on Residential Housing Types Affecting the Choice of Single Women

指導教授 : 彭瑞玟


房屋市場上女性獨立購屋的情形愈來愈多,而台灣人口結構的轉型及傳統家庭功能式微下單身女性的人口不斷增加,過去針對女性購屋消費行為的文獻中多偏向居住的生活機能、便利、安全性等居住品質需求調查。對於市場上單身女性的住宅產品規劃卻少有研究。本研究依台北市、新北市建商推案的預售屋、成屋等住宅銷售海報、現況調查住宅產品的規劃內容,建構相關因子的特徵問卷,預測單身女性購屋選擇時的住宅偏好。引用重要度-表現分析法(IPA),了解不同類型的住宅產品對於單身女性而言選擇的優先順序及可改善的方向。 本研究將住宅產品類型歸納為建築物本體、居住空間及公共環境管理等三方面,透過問卷實證分析,單身女性在購買自己的房子時,首重居住空間的住宅品質如:通風、採光、隔音,並偏好21~30坪的居住坪數及3房平面式住宅格局。由前述分析本研究認為目前單身女性的小坪數住宅規劃影響了居住品質,而單身女性從年輕到年老的生命週期不同階段,住宅產品應能提供個人適居、更包容的居住環境。此外建築主體中附屬公共休閒設施設備如:景觀、運動、文教等設施設備,雖不是購屋的決策因子,對單身女性而言卻具有購屋高附加價值的特性,而公共文教休閒設施並為最需改進的重點項目。


Women are more independently making housing purchases, the restructuring of Taiwan's population and the decline of traditional family functions, the single female population is growing, consumer behavior analysis over housing for women tend to focus on functional lives, convenient, living quality requirements etc. For single women on the market, there were but few studies of residential product planning. In this study, according to Taipei City and New Taipei City to push the case of pre-built business houses, homes and other residential sales posters, the status of the investigation, analysis of the contents of residential product planning, construction characteristics of the questionnaire related factors predict choice of single women home buyers residential preferences. Reference Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and understand the different types of residential products for single women in terms of priority and may choose the direction of improvement. This study summarized the type of residential building products body, living space and public environmental management in three areas, through analysis of the questionnaire, single women buying their own house, the issues considered in residential living space, such as: ventilation, lighting, noise , and preferred 21 to 30 square feet living room floor number and 3 rooms flat apartment. From the above analysis that the current single women in this study a small number of residential floor plan affected the quality of the living, and single women from young to old age at different stages of the life cycle, the product should be able to provide individual housing habitable, more inclusive living environment. In addition, construction of the main public leisure facilities in the subsidiary, such as: landscape, sports, cultural and educational facilities, housing, while not the decision-making factor, but in terms of single women with a high added value of housing properties, and public recreational facilities and cultural and educational needs for the most improvement of key projects.


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