  • 學位論文

家庭生命週期與工作家庭衝突關係之研究 ─ 以工作家庭文化為調節變項

The Study of the Relationship between Family Life Cycle and Work-Family Conflict - Using Work-Family Culture as Moderators

指導教授 : 林淑慧


近年來台灣生育率降低,其原因與家庭經濟負擔及工作家庭無法兼顧有相當大的關聯。婦女勞動參與率提升,使得現代家庭責任分工改變,工作與家庭間的衝突會互相影響雙方面角色的扮演。不同的家庭週期對於員工壓力的感受程度也會有所不同。 本研究旨在探討不同家庭生命週期個體與其工作家庭衝突間的關聯性,以及工作組織的工作家庭文化是否會對家庭生命週期與工作家庭衝突間的關係有調節的效果。使用問卷調查法,採跨層次觀點,將研究變項分為個人及組織層次。個人層次依據研究對象之家庭狀況將家庭生命週期分為七個階段,並測量其工作家庭衝突之感受程度。組織層次則測量其組織的工作家庭文化,探討是否會對個體個人層次的關係造成調節。總計發出100間機構,組織及個人層次問卷各為300份,共計回收有效問卷共89間機構,回收率為89%,組織層次有效問卷275份,回收率91.67%,個人層次有效問卷261份,回收率86.33%,研究結果整理如下: 1、員工在不同家庭生命週期所需負擔的家庭責任程度對於工作家庭衝突中的家庭衝突工作構面有顯著正相關。 2、員工在不同家庭生命週期所需負擔的家庭責任程度對於工作家庭衝突中的工作衝突家庭構面無顯著影響。 3、組織工作家庭文化對於員工家庭生命週期所需負擔之家庭責任程度與工作家庭衝突中的雙構面皆無顯著調節效果。


In recent years, Taiwan's fertility rates reduce, caused by the family economic burden and people cannot balance work and family. Female labor force participation rate increase making the division of family responsibility changed. Work and family conflict influence both part's role playing. Different family life cycle have different feeling of pressure. This study is to reveal the influential of family life cycle and work-family conflict. Using work-family culture as moderating variables to discuss the effect of the relationship between family life cycle and work-family conflict. Research variables were divided into two sections: individual level and organizational level through questionnaire survey with multilevel perspective. Individual level variables include family life cycle and work-family conflict. Based on the family status, the family life cycle will be divided into seven stages and surveys their work-family conflict experience. Organizational level variable is work-family culture. Of 100 corporate questionnaires, 89 valid samples were collected with retrieve rate of 89%. 275 samples of organizational level and 261 samples of individual level were received. The conclusions of empirical analysis are as follows: 1. Different family life cycle have different family responsibility, those variables have significantly positive impact on family- to-work conflict. 2. Different family life cycle have different family responsibility, those variables have no significantly positive impact on work-to-family conflict. 3. Work-family culture did not play the moderating role in the relationship between family life cycle and both perspectives of work-family conflict.


