  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


民主政治中非常重要的運作機制之一就是選舉,特別是地方選舉之結果將會決定地方領導人及其未來發展的方向。就原住民族而言,地方上最基層的選舉是村里長級的選舉;對居民來說,村長由誰擔任也最影響地方部落事務之推行及自身權益,是以村長選舉可以說是原民部落中最激烈的選舉,競選的候選人們莫不使出渾身解數,或以族群認同方式,或以各種競選手段,或以各種方面動員來求得勝選。 本研究以質化研究之深度訪談方式,針對個案的三個原住民村在2011及2015年村長選舉中的8位候選人進行訪談,分析探究原民地區的村長級選舉中,族群認同、競選模式以及候選所進行的動員模式如何影響村長選舉的勝敗並同時揭露其運作的實際面貌。研究發現在原民部落中族群認同要影響村長選舉僅在不同族群存在且各族群均有相當規模大小時,才會發生影響;而且由於部落生活型態之故,候選人運作族群認同於選舉中時是隱性操作的。在競選模式方面,候選人作競選判斷時會是其資歷、選票基本盤、家族勢力大小等作理性的選情判斷,選舉過程中並會應該各種情蒐、盯票的戰術掌握並促使自己的選情往有利的地方發展;在選區經營方面現職村長因具有「公資源」的優勢而與挑戰者候選人採取不同的經營方式,但通用的方式則是勤跑婚喪喜慶的「紅白帖原則」最為常見;然而特別的是在選舉行銷方面,候選人並不特別注重行銷,只重自己在「個人行為」及「家庭健全」二方面的形象。在選舉動員方面,原民選區的家族動員非常重要,對村長選舉有「篩選候選人」、「避免分裂」及「動員拉票」三大作用;宗教動員則因個人信仰而有所顧忌,多不願使教會和選舉有所牽扯。政黨動員方面因為村長選舉過於基層,且政黨不易施力之故,而無動員的情形。在社區發展協會動員方面發現,社區發展協會確實為會被用於選舉動員之中,並發揮收攬人情和建立完整資歷等等的作用,且確實有利於村長選舉。


One of the most important methods in democratic politics is election, especially the results of local elections, which decide who will be the local leaders and also affect the future development of local communities. As far as the indigenous people are concerned, the basic level elections are the polls for the village chiefs and the neighborhood magistrates. As for the inhabitants, who is elected as the village chief affects the implements of tribal affairs and their own rights. The polls for the village chiefs are the most crucial elections in aboriginal tribes. All the candidates will spare no efforts to win the elections. This thesis was a qualitative research based on the method of in-depth interview. Eight candidates in the 2011 and 2015 village chief elections in three aboriginal tribes were interviewed to probe for how racial identity, electoral mode, and mobilization mode affect the results of the polls for village chiefs, and also disclose the reality of how these elections operate. The study has shown that racial identity in aboriginal tribes, which does affect the results in the elections, depends on different races with nearly equal percentage of the population living in the same area. What’s more, owing to the aboriginal lifestyle, the candidates often make use of racial identity to win the elections in an latent way. As for the electoral mode, candidates often rationally take their qualifications, the odds to win the elections, and the influence of clan force into consideration. In the process of elections, they gather every information and scrutinize balloting to make sure that the odds will not be against them. With regard to operating conditions of the constituency, the village chiefs in service, with public resources as their superiority, adopt quite different operating methods from those of their rivals, but the most common way is to attend every wedding and funeral so as to raise their prestige. In addition, especially regarding the electoral marketing, most candidates do not pay extra attention to the marketing tactics but to the image of their own behavior and the relationship with their whole family. As for the electoral mobilizations, the mobilizations in the aboriginal electoral areas are relatively significant, for they can sift the possible candidates, avoid ethnic cleavage, and the props will help canvass voters for support. However, candidates have scruples to mobilize people sharing the same religious belief because they are reluctant to make their communions get involved in the elections. With regard to political mobilizations, because the polls for village chiefs are the most basic level elections and it’s not easy for the political parties to get involved, thus there are no political mobilizations in aboriginal tribes. Nevertheless, the mobilizations of community development association are quite common in the electoral mobilizations and, by winning over the tribal people to vote for them and founding detailed qualifications and record of service, they are indeed beneficial to the polls for village chiefs.


