  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


本研究希望了解目前臺南巿在處理流浪犬政策工具(立法、教育、絕育、收容、認領養、寵物登記、安樂死)的使用現況,透過文獻回顧、個案研究及深度訪談等研究方法,來了解臺南巿在處理流浪犬所使用的政策工具是否需進一步修正,以及臺南巿犬貓管理及福利促進自治條例通過後,追加制定臺南巿犬貓收容及處理收費標準,讓臺南巿的犬隻管理更上一層,而臺南巿首創TNR策略及推廣工作犬及防疫犬的作為,使得在一百零四年成為首位達成零安樂死的直轄巿政府,並提早因應一百零六年的全面零樂死。另探討公私部門如何協同處理流浪犬的運作,是否可以供其他縣巿政府參考。再來,整理出目前臺南巿在處理流浪犬的工具中、及執行現況和所遇到的困境,希望從中找出有效的改善做法。 最後,流浪犬並不是只單靠一個機關能處理的工作,惟有臺南巿全體巿民徹底改變,包括對動物保護及提升教育飼主正確飼養的觀念,讓愛護動物、尊重生命成為每個巿民都具備的基本素養,並把流浪犬視為城巿中的一份子,才能使得動物保護法真正的落實,以達成人民與流浪犬共同生活的理想目標。


流浪犬 TNR


This research focuses on the current situation of Tainan city government’s stray dog policy such as legislation, education, neuter, shelter, adoption, registration, and euthanasia. Based on the process of retrospective reviewing, case study, and in-depth interviewing, we could conclude whether the policy should be modified or not. Otherwise, after legislating Tainan city’s dogs and cats regulation and welfare promotion self-governance articles and the standards of fees for Tainan city sheltering and processing dogs and cats, the management of dogs in Tainan city has come a long way. The first accomplishment in the TNR strategy and promotion of working dogs makes Tainan city become the first municipality which achieves no-kill policy in 2015 to respond to no-kill strategy beforehand in 2016. On the other hand, this thesis discusses about whether the cooperation in management of stray dogs between government and private organization in Tainan city could serve as a model for the other cities or not. Moreover, we struggle to find out effective solutions by assorting methods of managing stay dogs and difficulty in implementation. Last, but not the least, not only should it rely on the task operated by a government agency but all Tainan citizens should undergo quite a conversion, such as animal protection and promotion of corrective pet caring conception. Turning animal welfare and respect to lives into basic ethics which makes stray dogs become components of a city, the Animal Protection Act can be implemented eventually and the aim that people live together with animals can be realized.


stray dogs TNR


嚴一峰,蔡向榮,王嘉蘭,周崇熙,費昌勇, 2010,〈臺北市三行政區犬貓寵物飼主之特質調查〉,《臺灣獸醫誌Taiwan Vet J》 36 (4):326。
