  • 學位論文

銀行因應Bank 3.0之探討 - 以合作金庫商業銀行為例

A Study of How Banks React to Bank 3.0---Using Taiwan Cooperative Bank as an Example

指導教授 : 鎮明常


科技不斷的進步,網際網路、行動網路的興起與普及化,及各種行動裝置如智慧型手機、平板電腦等產品被研發出來,大大增加了民眾使用網路的比率。在這樣的背景下,不僅僅帶動了各種產業的革新,也使民眾的生活習慣跟著改變,造成電子商務的興盛,各種業務電子化似乎成為新趨勢,連帶發展了電子金融等相關應用軟體工具,並帶來了新型態的業務面貌,以及新商機。 金融業者在這個浪潮下無法再守著固有的營業模式,勢必進行各種轉型,電子化的業務服務,以及虛擬平台上的交易成為不可避免的經營模式。因此在金管會於2015的宣布下,正式跟著國際間的趨勢進入Bank 3.0的時代,各家銀行業者紛紛搶先推出各種新型態業務如第三方支付、行動網銀以及行動支付等,並與其他產業通路共同合作,搶食這塊商機。 合作金庫商業銀行成立至今歷史悠久,歷經了台灣各種時期的經濟環境變遷,也多次跟著不同時代背景進行經營模式的改革,並從原本的公營模式改為半民營模式,也併購了多間信用合作社與農業銀行,是現今台灣擁有最多分行數的銀行,也是台灣的代表銀行之一。然而在歷史的沉澱下累積了許多難以立即改善的缺點,成為現今數位化時代來臨改革的絆腳石;但由於科技進步太過快速,無法使合作金庫銀行有太多時間進行整治,因此該如何在這樣的環境下快速轉型並跟上國際銀行的腳步,十分值得進行探討。因此本研究以合作金庫銀行為個案銀行進行分析,探討目前銀行業的概況,透過分析合作金庫銀行業者在人力資源方面、業務推行發向與提升營收所面臨的各種問題,並嘗試找出解決方法。


With the improvement of technology, the Internet and mobile network have gained popularity. Such mobile devices as smart phones and iPads have been developed, making people access the Internet more and more easily and frequently. To cope with this development, various businesses have gone through innovations, resulting in the prosperity of e-commerce and the change of people’s lifestyles. Many business are following the trend and becoming digitized. Apps for mobile and online banking are on the rise, creating new ways of doing business. Facing challenges, banking industry could not hold on to old ways of doing business any more. Instead, they must embrace transformation, providing e-commerce and virtual trading platform. Therefore, when Financial Supervisory Commission decided to launch Bank 3.0 in 2015, banks in Taiwan took the initiative to provide such new services as third-party payment, mobile banking and payment. They cooperated with other businesses and made haste to take advantage of this challenge. Taiwan Cooperative Bank has a long history of establishment, going through many economic changes and undergoing many management transitions in accordance with government regulations. It changed from a state-owned bank to a semi-public-owned bank. It merged with many credit cooperatives and agricultural banks and becomes one of the most prominent banks with the most branches among all banks in Taiwan. However, the bank faces many disadvantages which have been accumulated over time and could not be removed easily and quickly. These shortcomings have become stumbling blocks to the bank’s digital transformation. But as technology improves at such a fast pace, the bank simply finds it difficult to tackle these problems all at once. Therefore, how the bank can transform itself and catch up with the international banking standards deserves further study. This thesis uses Taiwan Cooperative Bank as a case study and tries to analyze various problems that the bank is facing, concerning human resources management, business development and revenue increase, and suggests some solutions.


mobile payment third-party-payment Bank 3.0


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