  • 學位論文


The Study of China’s Counter-Terrorism Measures in Xinjiang

指導教授 : 林泰和


以中國來說,新疆的穩定勢必關係到全中國的穩定。而對崛起中的中國,中國提出了新的國家安全觀「互信、 互利、 平等、 合作」,為求得中國內部的穩定,更以積極參與國際組織與國際合作、加強與大國之間的互動與周邊關係、以及參與國際間反恐等行動之外交手段作爲實踐新安全觀的途徑。 中國對反恐怖主義在其立場上,所做出的努力是絕對有目共睹,包括實施維穩、推動反恐立法及利用上合組織推動反恐演練等,甚至動員其內部所有可動用的反恐工具,來對抗所謂的三股勢力擴張,除了表達其一貫堅決反恐的態度,在政策及行動作為上,更是有領先其他大國之姿態。但如此看來,中國的積極進取不外乎是要在各國之間的反恐鬥爭中,得到其對抗境內的分裂勢力之便利;更可見中國的野心其實是利用「反恐」這把利刃,企圖藉以躲避人權考量來解決新疆的民族分裂問題。 本文主要在研究中國處理新疆維吾爾的反恐問題上的爭議及現實,以及其對待新疆少數民族的不公平,期望能讓大家更進一步了解中國反恐真正的目的。


In China, Xinjiang's stability will inevitably related to the stability of the whole of China. With the rise of China, China proposed a new national security concept of "mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation," In order to obtain China's internal stability, but also to actively participate in international organizations and international cooperation, and strengthen interaction between the major powers relationship with the surrounding, as well as ways to practice the new security concept of participation in the international diplomacy of actions such as counter-terrorism. China on counter-terrorism efforts in its position made is absolutely obvious to all, including the implementation of maintenance of stability, promote the use of anti-terrorist legislation and to promote the SCO anti-terror drill, and even mobilize its internal use of all anti-terrorism tools available to fight the so-called the three forces expansion, in addition to its usual expression of resolute attitude against terrorism, as in the policies and actions on, but there is a gesture ahead of other major powers. But It seems that China is nothing more than to be proactive in the fight against terrorism between countries to obtain confrontation in which separatist forces of convenience; more visible Chinese ambitions in fact is the use of "terrorism" that a sharp blade, thereby attempt avoid human rights considerations to solve the problem of ethnic separatism in Xinjiang. This paper studies the dispute and anti-terrorism deal with the reality of China's Xinjiang Uygur on, as well as its unfair treatment of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, it is desirable to allow everyone to better understand the real China anti-terrorism purposes.


王崑義,「美國的反恐怖主義與國際安全-兼論九一一事件以後臺海兩岸的處境」,遠景基金會季刊,第3卷第2期(2003 年5-6月),頁137-184。
