  • 學位論文


The Retirement Pension System of Private Colleges and Universities – the Case of the Northern C College

指導教授 : 馬財專


台灣高等教育體系正面臨少子化衝擊,私立學校亦正處於生死存亡之際,如何永續經營發展實為當前的重要課題。政府為了減緩私校教職員出走,致力縮小公立、私立學校在職的教職員退休後保障之差異。編制內專任教師98年12月31日後,修法推動私立學校教職員退休撫卹離職資遣儲金新制;而編制外專任教師之退休金制度,因不適用勞動基準法,雇主若未提撥勞工退休金6%予編制外教師,並不違法。顯而易見,不僅公、私校間教師退休制度存在著不公平,即便是學校內編制內與編制外教師的退休制度,亦同樣存在不符合公平正義的差異。 本研究主要採用訪談法,以北部C技術學院為研究對象,探討教師對於私校退休制度認知情形,並進一步探討不同背景下是否會影響其對退休金之認知。由研究結果得知,編制內專任教師在私校退撫制度方面,對其內容及意義不甚了解,惟對退休後的經濟來源,卻都早已開始著手規劃。其擔憂學校否擁有條件可使其做到順利退休,又害怕私校公保、私校退撫可能會面臨倒閉的窘境。由此可見,編制內教師預作規劃,絕非因其對於退休制度有一定的認知,再者很多教師認為即便對退休相關制度清楚認知,並不因此能多領到退休金,這些都不是積極認知退休制度就有可能進行改變的。而編制外教師對於自己不適用勞動基準法,沒有勞工退休金提撥部分,大部分教師表示不知情,且對於自己是否能順利於下學年度續聘深感惶惶不安,因此對於退休金部分亦未做深入了解。 本文建議政府及學校有關單位可多提供私校退撫制度解說之相關的講座,協助私校教師了解自己退休之權益。提供多元化管道,使退休資訊公開透明,以利教師在認知後作有利之退休養老規劃。私校教師們應要清楚認知退休制度,才好作精準的規畫,以利終老,不應消極而不認知,不適時爭取。學校在不影響運作下,應多鼓勵教師組織教師會,擴充資訊管道,對於編制內教師適時提醒、鼓勵教師們可增額提撥退休金,甚至可積極推動與參與公私校退休金公平一致的活動;至於對於編制外教師則告知學校未提撥雇主6%部分,建議教師可考慮自行提撥。最後,建議政府可朝向公、私校及學校內編制外、編制內教師的退休制度公平一致、在教師離退時,公、勞保容易銜接,以建構符合公平正義的社會保險。


Due to low birth rate, Taiwan’s higher education system is now facing severe impact for sustainable development. In order to prevent private school teachers from resigning, Taiwanese government is dedicated and determined to minimize the differences of retirement benefit between public and private schools. Certified teachers are qualified to apply for retirement benefit under the new severance/pension saving act for private school staffs and teachers. However, uncertified teachers are neither protected by the new act mentioned above nor the “Labor Standards Act.” In other words, their employers would not be fined for not providing retirement benefit. Obviously, not only public and private school teachers have fairness issue, but also certified and uncertified teachers do not meet the same retirement benefit. This research uses interviews to explore Taiwanese private school teachers’ cognition of the retirement benefit legislations. It also further discusses that whether different backgrounds affect the perception of the retirement benefit. The result from the study shows that, most certified teachers plan their retirement without fully understand the retirement benefit laws or regulations. They are afraid that whether the schools can last until the time they retire or the retirement fund may go bankrupt before they could get the money. Most uncertified teachers feel uncertained and frightened, knowing that they are not protected under the “Labor Standards Act.” They also show little knowledge about their retirement benefit, due to the insecurities of their next reappointment. This study suggests that government and schools should hold seminars for introducing and explaining retirement benefit legislations. Also, the retirement information should be transparent and accessible to all private school teachers. Moreover, teachers should have the awareness that the pension is severely inadequate in order to fully prepare for their retirement. Schools should encourage teachers to form unions that allow teachers to strive for a better retirement system among public, private schools and (un)certified teachers. Finally, the government should provide a consistent retirement establishment to construct fair and justice social insurance system.


