  • 學位論文


The Factor Analysis of Career Choice in Dispatched Workers in Government

指導教授 : 林淑慧


本研究旨在探討於公部門擔任派遣工作之人員人格特質、生涯導向、選擇派遣工作原因等因素對於其生涯選擇所產生之影響。本研究透過問卷調查法,對目前於我國勞政單位之派遣員工發出350份問卷,回收286份有效卷。 研究工具包含五大人格特質量表、Schein生涯導向量表與尋求派遣工作原因量表。問卷所得資料採用描述性統計分析、驗證性因素分析、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析與多元迴歸等統計方法加以分析。研究所得分析摘要如下: 一、公部門派遣人員因派遣年齡及派遣工作年資在尋求派遣工作原因具顯著差異。 二、公部門派遣人員擔任派遣工作年資與安全性生涯導向具顯著正相關。 三、公部門派遣人員之派遣工作年資與生涯轉換強度具顯著差異。 四、公部門派遣人員之生涯導向與開放性人格特質具顯著正相關;安全性生涯導向與親和性人格特質呈現負相關。 五、公部門派遣人員之自主性生涯導向與生涯轉換強度具顯著正相關 六、公部門派遣人員之開放性人格特質正向影響生涯轉換強度


The purpose of this research is to understand how the factors influence the career choices of the dispatched workers in public sectors; The proposed impact factors are personality traits, career orientations, and the reasons for choosing temporary employment. This research conducted 286 effective questionnaires from the dispatched workers of Ministry of Labor. The instruments of this research includes Big Five, the Career Orientations Inventory, and the reasons for pursuing temporary employment. The data was analyzed by various statistical methods, such as multiple regression, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis t-test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The main outcomes of thestudy are as follows: 1.The reasons for choosing temporary employment have significant differences between the dispatched workers' age and their seniority. 2.There is a positive correlation between the seniority and the career orientations driven by security among the dispatched workers. 3.There are significant differences between the dispatched workers’ seniority and their desire to change career. 4.There is a positive correlation between the dispatched workers' career orientations and Openness of the Big Five. Whereas, career orientations driven by security has a negative correlation to agreeableness. 5.The career orientations driven by autonomy and the desire to change career have positive correlation. 6.The personality traits of openness have positive effects on the desire to change career.


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