  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳毓璟


本研究目的主要為瞭解高齡者國外旅遊的動機、影響因素、自我導向學習活動中遇到之困難與挑戰以及探究高齡者國外旅遊自我導向的學習歷程,最後提供高齡者教育相關機構以供參考。 研究方法利用半結構式訪談法訪問8位高齡者。依據研究發現,研究結果如下: (一) 高齡者國外旅遊動機 包括可促進健康、提昇生活品質、學習異國風俗文化、與朋友家人同遊、享受異國美食與體驗異國風土人情。 (二)高齡者國外旅遊影響因素 包括身心健康、經濟條件許可、政府旅遊相關措施完備、休閒旅遊安全等都會影響高齡者國外旅遊因素。 (三) 高齡者國外旅遊自我導向學習之經歷所遇到困難與挑戰 包括語文會話、治安(遺失行李)、飲食不習慣、上廁所、給小費等等困難與挑戰。 (四) 高齡者國外旅遊所遇到困難解決方法 高齡者國外旅遊初期皆以配合旅行社套裝旅遊來解決所遇到困難方法為主,其透過跟團領隊與親友協助解決。後期以半自助旅行為輔,找尋旅遊網路資訊、圖書館報章雜誌、家人朋友以及旅行同業等以解決所遇到之困難。 (五) 高齡者國外旅遊自我導向學習之歷程 高齡者自我導向學習的一開始,都是從旅行同業及社群好友來從事自我導向國外旅遊學習。國外旅遊了解學習的過程以後,有第二次、第三次旅遊便知道如何從事自我導向學習與自行找資料,利用網路或手機、平板電腦以解決國外旅遊自我導向學習之問題。出國次數愈多、年齡愈年輕者,自我導向學習的可能性就愈高。 最後根據研究結果,針對未來研究方法,以及執行樂齡學習活動提供相關建議。


The main purpose of this study to understand the motivations seniors travel abroad, influencing factors, self-directed learning activities difficulties and challenges encountered in the silver-haired foreign travel and explore self-directed learning process, and finally provide elderly seniors education-related institutions for reference. Access Methods eight elderly seniors use of semi-structured interviews. Based study found that research results are as follows: (1) The silver-haired foreign tourism motivation It includes health promotion, improve quality of life, to learn foreign customs and culture, and travel with friends and family, and enjoy the experience exotic cuisine and exotic customs. (2) Senior citizens travel abroad travel factors Including health, economic conditions permit, complete government tourism-related measures, the silver-haired foreign travel and leisure travel safety factors will affect. (3) The silver-haired foreign travel self-directed learning experience difficulties and challenges encountered Including language sessions, security (lost luggage), not used to eating, toileting, etc. to tip the difficulties and challenges. (4) A solution to the difficulties encountered by foreign tourists in the elderly Senior foreign early travel with the travel agency tour package to solve the difficulties encountered in method, the through with group leader and friends help. In the late period, with the help of a semi self help travel, the travel network information, the library newspapers, magazines, family and friends, and travel industry are also being sought to solve the difficulties encountered. (5) The silver-haired foreign travel self-directed learning course Seniors start a self-directed learning, are from the travel industry and community friends to engage in self-directed learning foreign travel. Travel abroad to understand the process of learning in the future, there is a second, third tour we will know how to engage in self-directed learning and self-find information, use the web or mobile phone, tablet, travel abroad to resolve the issue of self-directed learning. Abroad more times, the more younger age, the likelihood of the higher self-directed learning. Finally, according to research findings, provide recommendations for future research methods, as well as seniors learning activities executed.


