  • 學位論文


A Study on the Behavioral Intention for the Public Use in the Responsive Web Design of Hospital Website

指導教授 : 黃維民


隨著人們上網的裝置改變,也改變了網頁設計的方式,當人們使用智慧型裝置瀏覽網頁時,螢幕的大小並不像電腦一樣,故容易造成瀏覽與操作的不易;而在APP方面的作業系統版本,高達50幾種,導致開發與維護困難以及成本的增加,因此「適應性網站」即隨之興起,其功能為讓電腦、平板、手機網站使用同一網站的圖文內容。 對於民眾使用醫院網站而言,最常使用的功能為網路掛號,透過適應性網站使民眾易於完成網路掛號,避免民眾即使載了醫院APP卻發生系統不相容的問題而無法正常操作的窘境,也可減少民眾現場掛號的等待時間以及醫院人工掛號的成本;另外,在診療後衛教資訊方面,醫生無法時時刻刻提醒民眾,若民眾忘記所需衛教資訊,可在任何環境下易於瀏覽網站提供的衛教資訊,不必等到複診後才能詢問醫生,因此可使醫生與民眾溝通更有效率;再者,若醫院或是民眾欲分享醫院相關活動或資訊至社群媒體,也可直接分享,補足APP無法直接分享之功能。 由於國內醫院使用適應性網站尚未盛行,因此本研究透過修正後的科技接受模式(TAM),結合資訊系統成功模式為理論基礎,並加入網站互動性、資訊素養,探討哪些因素才是影響民眾使用醫院適應性網站的意願,期望能為後續適應性網站之研究以及相關單位推行之參考。 本研究問卷採網路發放,以訴求健康的民眾,以及從事醫療產業與資訊相關工作者,總共蒐集254份有效問卷,並以SPSS22.0與SmartPLS3.2之統計軟體進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,系統品質、醫院適應性網站的互動性會正向影響知覺有用性與知覺易用性,資訊品質、資訊素養會正向影響知覺易用性,知覺易用性會正向影響知覺有用性,而知覺有用性、知覺易用性皆會影響行為意圖。


Because the user’s device changes for recent years, changing the web design. When user uses smart phone browsing the web, the screen’s size not enough like computer’s. It’s not readable. And operate system has more than 50 types in the smart phone. It could be result in that maintain difficultly and add cost. So responsive web design becomes the trend in the web. It mains that the computer , pad and phone use the same content. Most people use the web to reserve. People easy to reserve through the web. It can avoid when the people downloaded the app and can’t use it, because the app and the phone not compatibly. Also it can reduce the waiting time and cost. Besides, doctor can’t remind the people any time. If people forget health information, they can easy to browse anytime and anywhere. So it can promote people and doctor efficiently. Also, hospital or people can direct share the web information to someone , and the app can’t do it. Responsive web design does not popularize. So the study adopts TAM and combines ISS ,web interactive, information literacy. Discussing the factor which can effect intention to use. And as the suggestion about responsive web design research. This study used the On-line suvey , choseing the public for the sample who purpose the health information and the job about healthcare or information. Total valid questionnaire is 254. Used SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.2 to data analysis. The study result is that System Quality and Web Interactive positive impact Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Easy of Use , Information Quality and Information literacy positive impact Perceived Easy of Use , Perceived Easy of Use positive impact Perceived Usefulness , Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Easy of Use positive impact Behavior Intention.


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