  • 學位論文


Ontology-Based Medicinal Combination System for Traditional Chinese Medicine

指導教授 : 林迺衛


「辨證論治」為中醫治療疾病所發展出來的診治方式。其中包含兩個階段,「辨證」為中醫師先透過望、聞、問、切四診方法,來收集病人的症狀及體徵資訊,再依據所收集來的症狀資訊,分析及辨識病人的病因、病位與病機。「論治」為中醫師根據不同的病因、病位與病機的辨證結果,對病患實施適合的治療方法與用藥。辨證與論治是治療疾病時,密不可分的兩個階段。 方劑學是依據治療方法,研究藥材配伍的學科。方劑是由一種或多種藥材所組成的藥方,組成須符合一定的原則,按照各藥材在方劑中所起的作用,共分成君藥、臣藥、佐藥、使藥四類,互相搭配,達成治療的功效。 方劑學的藥材配伍原則非常複雜,本論文應用知識本體及多目標最佳化技術,研製一個中醫藥材配伍系統。此系統包含一個中醫藥材知識本體,一個中醫藥材辭庫,及一個中醫藥材配伍模組。本論文進行中醫藥材的標準化,及中醫藥材功效的標準化,利用知識本體開發工具建構中醫藥材知識本體,並建構中醫藥材辭庫,方便查詢標準藥材及標準藥材功效。本論文應用多目標最佳化技術研製一個中醫藥材配伍模組,並針對28個常用脾氣虛及脾陽虛的方劑進行初步的系統評估,達到非常好的結果。這個評估結果也具體顯示中醫藥材配伍系統的可行性及重要性。




Syndrome differentiation and treatment is a special way develped for the diagnosis and therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In syndrome differentiation, the physician first collects the symptoms and signs of patients through four examinations: inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, and palpation. According to the collected symptoms and signs, the physician then analyzes the cause, location, and mechanism of the disease of patients. In syndrome treatment, the physician gives the proper treatment and herbal medicinals based on the results of syndrome differentiation. Chinese herbal formula study concerns the therapeutic principles of syndrome treatment and the combination of herbal medicinals. A formula consists of one or multiple herbal medicinals conforming to the therapeutic principles of syndrome treatment. The herbal medicinals in a formula may play one of four different roles: sovereign medicinals, minister medicinals, assistant medicinals and courier medicinals. These herbal medicinals perfectly combines to achieve the benefits of syndrome treatment. The combination of herbal medicinals conforming to the therapeutic principles of syndrome treatment forms an extremely complex system. This thesis applies the ontology technique and the multi-objective optimization technique to develop a medicinal combination system for TCM. This system includes a TCM herb medicinal ontology, a herb medicinal thesaurus and a herb medicinal combination module. This thesis studies the standardization of herb medicinal names and their therapeutic effect terms. This thesis uses an ontology development tool to construct a TCM herb medicinal ontology for these standardized herb medicinal names and their therapeutic effect terms. This thesis also develops a herb medicinal thesaurus to facilitate the mapping of any herb medicinal names and therapeutic effect terms to the standardized herb medicinal names and therapeutic effect terms. This thesis applies the multi-objective optimization technique to develop a herb medicinal combination module. This thesis also performs a preliminary evalation on this module based on 28 formulas for spleen qi deficiency syndrome or spleen yang deficiency syndrome. The result of this preliminary evalation is quite encouraging and demonstrates the importance and feasibility of the medicinal combination systems for TCM.




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