  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李百麟


"摘要 本研究旨在研究警察機關主管人員轉型領導對屬員組織承諾之相互關係、預測情形及針對研究結果提供研究建議。研究方法經由問卷調查,依問卷分析結果來瞭解不同背景變項之警察機關組織成員知覺主管轉型領導及其組織承諾之現況、差異情形、相互關係及預測力。 本研究以高雄市政府警察局及所屬各警察機關為研究對象,以線上問卷方式調查,共計統計分析303份(男性237人、女性66人)有效問卷,經以SPSS 24.0統計套裝軟體進行資料處理與分析,綜合結論如下: 一、 員警知覺直屬主管轉型領導整體感受程度為中上。 二、 員警整體組織承諾感為中上程度,但其中以「留職承諾」向度最低,「認同承諾」及「努力承諾」最高。 三、 男性員警對警察機關組織承諾感高於女性員警。 四、 「51歲以上」群組員警知覺直屬主管轉型領導感受程度,顯著高於「30歲以下」群組員警。 五、 「51歲以上」群組員警組織承諾顯著高於「40歲以下」群組員警。 六、 服務年資「21年以上」群組員警知覺直屬主管轉型領導感受程度顯著高於「5年以下」群組員警。 七、 服務年資「16年以上」群組員警組織承諾顯著高於「5年以下」及「11-15年」群組員警。 八、 員警知覺直屬主管轉型領導感受程度愈高,其組織承諾感也會愈高。 九、 「主動關懷」之轉型領導向度最能有效預測員警的組織承諾程度。 由上開研究統計分析結果得知,警察機關員警對於直屬主管轉型領導均有相當程度之感受,且主管人員轉型領導的努力越多,對於組織成員的組織承諾感也會呈向正向的關聯,且對於屬員多予主動關懷,也能有效預測其對於組織上之承諾,期以增進組織團隊的向心力及永續發展。"


"Abstract This study aims at discussing the relationship and prediction between transformational leadership of direct supervisors from police organizations and organizational commitment of its subordinates. The result also provides relevant suggestions and implications. Questionnaire survey is adopted in this study. According to the analyzed results, we are allowed to comprehend members of police organizations perceiving direct supervisors’ transformational leadership under different background variables and the organizational commitment's current situations、discrepancy 、mutual relationship and predictability. The questionnaire respondents in this study are Kaohsiung police bureau and its subordinates. Conducted by filling out online survey, 303 valid questionnaire data ( 237 males and 66 females included) are possessed and analyzed by SPSS statistics 24.0, and eventually reach the conclusion as following: The overall perception degree of targeted police officers perceiving direct supervisors' transformational leadership is above average. Targeted police officers' overall organizational commitment is above average, but the inclination of ""staying at current positions"" is the lowest among the analyzed results, while the inclination of ""identification commitment"" and ""devotion commitment"" is the highest among which. Male police officers have higher organizational commitment than the female towards police organizations. The perception degree on perceiving direct supervisors' transformational leadership of police officers from the group of ""age above 51"" is significantly higher than those from the group of ""age under 30"". The organizational commitment of police officers from the group of ""age above 51"" is significantly higher than those from the group of ""age under 40"" The perception degree on perceiving direct supervisors' transformational leadership of police officers from the group of ""in-service seniority over 21 years"" is significantly higher than those from the group of ""in-service seniority under 5 years"". The organizational commitment of police officers from the group of ""in-service seniority over 16 years"" is significantly higher than those from the group of ""in-service seniority under 5 years"" and ""in-service seniority between 11-15 years"". The higher the perception degree of police officers perceiving of direct supervisors' transformational leadership is, the higher organizational commitment they have. The inclination of ""offering active care"" in transformational leadership can most precisely predict police officers' organizational commitment's degree. According to the analyzed statistic results, members of police organization have considerable perception on direct supervisors’ transformational leadership. If supervisors put more efforts in transformational leadership, positive inclinations on members’ perception of organizational commitment can be improved at the same time. In addition, by offering more active care to subordinates can effectively predict their organizational commitments, hoping to enhance solidarity and the sustainable development among the teams."


