  • 學位論文


A Study of Personified Animal Characters Design in Animation Film “Kung Fu Panda”

指導教授 : 姚村雄


賦予動畫角色生命的概念早在1919年出現,而後1928年華特?迪士尼(Walt Disney)創造米老鼠,擬人化手法漸漸於動畫角色設計上占有一席地位。美國知名動畫公司夢工廠(Dream Works)2008年於美國上映《功夫熊貓》(Kung Fu Panda),以中國功夫為主題,融合許多中國元素,其角色設計上不僅運用動物擬人化,更蘊含豐富的文化符碼。 本研究首先探究動畫史中擬人化角色的發展與其影響,透過角色設計原則與參考文獻,歸納出動畫擬人化角色之性格、外型設定運作要素。依據此設計運作原則,輔以席德.菲爾德之電影敘事三幕劇結構和索緒爾之符號理論,解析《功夫熊貓》敘事結構下賦予角色的功能,以理解敘事結構與擬人化手法、角色性格造型三者之間之關聯性。並針對《功夫熊貓》動物擬人化角色,分析其圖像背後所蘊含之中美文化意涵。 藉由解析文獻與《功夫熊貓》之動物擬人化角色設計,研究結果發現:1. 擬人化手法直接影響角色的性格與行為表現,作為一種文化載體,映照出不同文化間的差異。2. 形塑角色性格的過程與故事敘事結構的發展,並非單方向進行,是互相影響的設計過程。3. 動畫產業中,以主要市場對象為第一考量。《功夫熊貓》融合中美文化,將中國元素之美表現在藝術視覺風格中,其本質仍舊是美國文化脈絡下的思維。


功夫熊貓 擬人化 角色設計


As early as in 1919, there was the concept of giving life to animation characters. In 1928, Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse with unique personality. From now on, personification made a far-reaching influence in character design of animation. In 2008, the well-known American animation company, Dream Works, produced "Kung Fu Panda" which was setted in a version of ancient China; the story not only populated by anthropomorphic talking animals, but also contained abundant Chinese culture codes. In this study, the first step is to trace animation history to research develop- ment and influence of personified characters. Second step is to study principles and references of character design to make a conclusion about how to personify a character with appearance and personality. According to the conclusion, and also assisted with Three-act Structure by Syd Field、Saussure semiology by Ferdinand de Saussure, to analyze correlations between narrative structure、anthropomorphic and character design. Last but not the least, to analyze cultural meanings that presented behide graphic design in "Kung Fu Panda". According to references and analyses, this study found that: 1.Personification directly influences how characters look like and how they act. And also, personified characters are the medium to present different cultures. 2. It is a connective processing to design characters and stories, there are inseparable relations between them. 3. In the animation industry, audience preferences are the first priority. In "Kung Fu Panda", creators mixed Chinese and American cultures together, with a Chinese art style, but American values.


動畫基礎技法,理查.威廉斯(Richard Williams),臺北:龍溪,2005。
