  • 學位論文


Origin , Evolution and Cultural Interpretation of Taiwanese Rice Dumpling

指導教授 : 劉正元


「粽」是傳統農業社會中米食多樣化的呈現,是敬神、祭祖的主要供品,也是端午節不可或缺的節慶食品。然而,在現今的社會中,卻已成為庶民的日常生活點心。本研究採用文獻分析法,將漢族群中常見的節慶米食-「粽」作 概括性與系統性的整理、討論與分析。並從學者對於飲食行為的觀點裡,去探究「粽」的飲食文化意義,釐清「粽」的起源,並分析其從傳統節慶、祭祀與饋贈行為的象徵如何轉變成日常的庶民點心。 為了釐清「粽」的起源、由來以及各區域間的發展狀態,筆者從歷史文獻中爬梳整理,以便建立出「粽」的發展脈絡流程。之後聚焦在台灣地區的食粽風俗,將時間斷限設定在清領時期到戰後,主要研究對象為在臺灣的漢人,包括閩南及客家二群體,範疇為臺灣地區漢人於歲時節令、生命禮俗中所食用、使用之粽子,並從帶有「粽」字的俗諺語、歌謠中去分析其文化再現的意義。 關於食物的使用與意義的研究中,雖然Mintz已提出食物背後所隱藏的實質意義會影響人們的飲食習慣。李亦園也認為中國人的飲食行為表現追求均衡與和諧的完美境界,並透過食物來維持人際關係的均衡。至於楊玉君更直接將「粽」的文化意義直接界定為抗拒死亡的面向。然而以這樣觀點來看,並無法解釋粽子文化意義變遷的流程與脈絡發展。為了探究「粽」在節慶祭祀與日常生活的飲食行為,本研究採用李豐楙「俗/聖」、「常與非常」的觀點,將「粽」在歲時節慶與日常生活下的樣貌加以分類敘述,並且從中歸納出其所呈現出來的象徵意義。更以同樣作為節慶飲食的「粿」進行比較分析,以釐清傳統閩南人對於這兩種傳統節日飲食的基本認知。


角黍 飲食行為 文化再現 俗諺語 歌謠


The representation of the variety of rice foods in the traditional farming society was the “rice dumpling”, a main tribute to the gods and ancestors and an indispensable food in Dragon Boat Festival. However, rice dumplings were everyday common foods. Research methods included Document Analysis: a general, systematic management, discussion and analyses of “rice dumplings” among Han Chinese people. With the scholar’s viewpoint of the dietary behavior, the research was about the cultural meanings of “rice dumplings”, the clarification of the “rice dumplings” origin and the analysis of the transition of “rice dumplings” from the foods at the altar to common people’s foods. To clarify the origin of “rice dumplings” and its related developments in various areas, the research period, from the reference of historical documents, was between the Qing-colonized era and post world war II and focused on the “rice dumplings” customs in Taiwan among Han Chinese including Hokkien and Haka – how the “rice dumplings” used at various festivals and for etiquette and customs of life, and sung at various folk sayings and songs. In the research of the usage and meanings of foods, although Mintz suggested that the true meaning hidden behind the foods changed people’s eating habits, Yih-Yuan Li thought that the eating habits of Chinese people were after pursuit of harmony and balance and Yu-Chun Yang defined the cultural meaning of “rice dumplings” as a way against death, the above-mentioned viewpoints could not fully explain the proper developments and the transition of cultural meanings of “rice dumplings”. To research the festival activities and daily dietary behaviors of “rice dumplings”, the study adopted Fong-Mao Lee’s viewpoints of Common versus Holy and Common versus Uncommon to better describe the true images of “rice dumplings” in festivals and daily lives and to conclude symbolic meanings. “Rice cake”, also widely used in festivals and daily lives, served another example in the study for comparative analysis to clarify the basic concepts of these two traditional foods among Hokkien people.


李超運(2003),〈傳統節慶與米食文化〉,《花蓮區農業文化專訊》(43),頁 6-10。
