  • 學位論文


A Study of the Semantic, Pragmatic and Discourse Functions of Haishi and Huoshi

指導教授 : 王萸芳 博士


摘要 「近義詞」對學習華語的學生來說一直是較難突破的學習障礙。坊間雖已有不少關於比較近義詞的辭典,但多未深入比較兩者的語法或語用;亦或是常用的華語教材給予了近義詞相同的翻譯解釋,但在語法說明部分卻含糊帶過,讓學生讀得一頭霧水。經驗不深的華語教師更是難以憑藉課本資訊來提供適切的情境練習。本研究即是為了彌補此種缺失,以近義詞「還是」及「或是」為研究議題,除了分析兩者的異同,也會將研究結果結合教學語法,提出相關的教學啟示。 本研究在梳理了前人文獻,同時對照《聯合知識庫》的語料後,釐清了「還是」與「或是」是由「還」及「或」的原義因為語法化的「隱喻機制」所延伸出的新義再加入了焦點標記「是」所形成。其次則是使用了《聯合知識庫》的語料,並以語法、語義及語用面向,將「還是」和「或是」加以分類,並探討其連接的詞彙特性或是出現的情況,以求能找出「還是」及「或是」兩者的細微差異。 與過去研究不同的是,本研究發現,當「還是」跟「或是」作為連接詞時,「或是」所連接的對象能夠具有「層遞性」或是「進一步的情況」;相對之下,「還是」所接的內容並不具有「層遞性」,而是呈現「對比性」或是「對立的情況」,且此種對立有時是詞彙意義對立,有時則是更深層的心理想法或觀念的對立。在副詞的部分,副詞「還是」的特徵可分為「動作或是情況的持續」跟「反預期」兩種。其中「反預期」一項又可再分為「主觀的反預期」跟「客觀的反預期」。副詞「或是」在過去文獻中曾具有「推測」的功能,但是在這次的研究語料中並無找到相關語料,只剩少許與之相關的「或」的語料。 根據上述結果,研究者在整理了兩個近義詞的差異後,結合了教學語法的原則,並運用簡圖及對話情境來說明,希望不僅能減少華語學習者在學習上的困難,也能對華語教學有所幫助,減低教學時的負擔。


Abstract The study aims at investigating the various aspects of the two Chinese synonyms haishi and huoshi, especially their semantic, grammatical and pragmatic functions. In order to find out the differences between haishi and huoshi, the researcher collected 395 pieces of news articles from Udndata as the corpus for this study, using Traugott’s Grammaticalization theory (1995) and Hyman’s pragmatics theory as the theoretical frameworks. The results show that the conjunction haishi serves as a conjunction connecting words, phrases or clauses that contain opposing meanings or ideas. In contrast, the words and clauses which are connected by the conjunction use of huoshi usually mark relatedness. The adverb haishi can be used to mean “the status of the situation keeps continuing” and “counter-expectation”. The “counter-expectation” use also can be classified into two types: “the listener’s counter-expectation” and “both of the speaker’s and listener’s counter-expectation toward an event”. The adverb huoshi has the meaning of ‘maybe’ or ‘not sure’. However, the researcher did not find such uses in the data. Finally, the researcher applied the research results to the teaching as a reference for learning Chinese as a second/foreign language (CS/FL). It is hoped that this study can be helpful for CS/FL learners who always feel confused when they encounter the synonyms haishi and huoshi.


synonym haishi huoshi conjunction adverb counter-expectation


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