  • 學位論文


The Action Research of Enhancing Mathematics Learning Interest and Value in Mathematics for Middle School Students by Mechanical Puzzle Box STEM Integrating Curriculum

指導教授 : 張美珍


中文摘要     本研究旨在探討機關盒STEM統整課程的發展歷程,以及課程對國中學生數學學習興趣及價值認同的提升效果,以供其他教師作為設計STEM課程的參考。本研究以參加國立科學工藝博物館及春曉國中(化名)營隊活動之國中學生為研究對象,進行二次循環,各為兩天共12節課的教學活動,採用行動研究法,透過觀察、前後測量表、開放式問卷、學習單等方式蒐集資料,再加以整理、分析與歸納出研究結果。本研究的主要結論如下:機關盒STEM統整課程適合做為跨領域課程在國中階段實施,在實施過程中面臨教師人力不足的問題時,可將部份工作交給學生協助,且可透過實作活動及增加引導問題的方式,使學生提升在數學課程中的專注度;機關盒STEM統整課程能有效提升國中學生數學學習興趣;機關盒STEM統整課程能有效提升國中學生數學價值認同。     最後,根據上述研究結論提出相關建議,作為國中教師設計STEM統整課程,以及未來從事相關研究者之參考。


ABSTRACT         The main purpose of thisstudy is to explore the development of mechanical puzzle box STEM integrating curriculum,and the enhancement of middle school students’ mathematics learning interestand value in mathematics after finsh the class. The action research orientationis to implement a two-cycle stages, two days/ twelve periods teaching plan. Theresearch objects are middle school students who attended the winter camp heldby National Science and Technology Museum and Spring Morning junior high school(an assumed name). Data and information werecollected through observation, scale investigations, open-ended questionnaire andworksheets. And then, the researcher analyses and summarizes informationgathered. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: Mechanical puzzle boxSTEM integrating curriculum is suitable for implementation as a interdisciplinaritycourse in the middle school. When faced with the problem of insufficient teachers in class, part of the work can be entrusted tostudents for assistance. In order to improve students concentration in themathematics classes, teacher can add more practical activities and increase thethe guided instructions; Mechanical puzzlebox STEM integrating curriculum can effectively enhancethe interest of middle school students in mathematics learning. Mechanical puzzle box STEM integrating curriculum can effectively enhance the value in mathematics among middle schoolstudents.        Finally, based on the aboveresearch conclusions, relevant suggestions are made as a reference for teachersin the country to design STEM integrated curriculums and future researchers. 


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