  • 學位論文


Relationship between Marketing Event Experience and Residents’ Local Identity-Case Study of Boai Village of Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 關復勇


中文摘要 社區(村、里)舉辦一個成功的活動能夠為整個社區里民帶來參與外,社區(村、里),進而帶動里民的認同感,然而,對於里內(村、里)舉辦行銷事件體驗而言,真的有效能讓里民的地方認同感嗎?抑或是僅因活動內容吸引了里民,對於里民的社區(村、里)情感並沒有實質意識的提升呢?此誠為值得探討的一項課題。 本研究以用行銷事件體驗與里民對地方認同間關係研究-以高雄市鹽埕區博愛里為例為研究主題範圍,以社區過去曾舉辦參與行銷事件體驗的里民為研究對象,探討行銷事件體驗中對里民地方認同之間的關聯情形,目的在於瞭解里民對於參與「鹽埕區博愛里」各項行銷事件體驗時的感受,以及對於地方認同的整體性評估,並探究二者間相互影響的關聯程度,採用非機率抽樣之便利抽樣,使用「里民活動參與調查表」、「行銷事件體驗量表」、「地方認同量表」與「個人基本資料表」為研究工具,透過問卷調查法獲得250份有效問卷。故以高雄市鹽埕區博愛里為例之行銷事件體驗進?研究調查,以瞭解在里內行銷事件體驗與地方認同關係上之人口統計背景變項的差?為何。 (1)行銷事件體驗與地方認同間具有正向顯著影響。 (2)行銷事件體驗因年齡、性別、職業、平均月收入與婚姻狀況等變項而有顯著差異。 (3)地方認同感會因為年齡而有顯著差異。 (4)行銷事件體驗的「情感體驗」、「思考體驗」、「行動體驗」、「關聯體驗」,以及人口統計背景變項中的「年齡」對整體地方認同構面具有顯著的預測力。 根據以上研究結果,研究者提出對「鹽埕區博愛里」社區於日後發展各式行銷事件與未來研究之建議。


地方認同 體驗事件


Abstract A community (village) holding a successful event can attract the involvement of all residents. The community further strengthens residents’ local identity. Yet, are marketing event experiences actually effective in enhancing residents’ local identity? Or is it because people are only drawn to the event because of its content and no actual increase of sentiments actually took place? This is a topic worthy of investigation. The research investigates the relationship between marketing experience and residents’ local identity, with scope encompassing Kaohsiung’s Boai Village. Investigation on the relevance of marketing events is conducted upon residents who have previously participated. The purpose is to understand residents’ feelings participating in the community’s various marketing events as well as to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of local identity. Furthermore, the study investigates the degree of relationship between the two utilizing non-probability sampling in addition to “resident event participation survey”, “marketing event experience ratings scale”, “local identity ratings scale” and “personal data” as research tools. Through questionnaires, the researcher recovered 250 effective samples. These were done to discover demographic background variables behind the relationship between event experience and local identity. Results are as follows: (1) There is significant positive influence between marketing event experience and local identity. (2) Experiences evidently vary depending on variables such as age, gender, occupation, average monthly income and marital status. (3) Local identity can significantly differ due to age. (4) Experiential marketing’s “sensory”, “thinking”, “action” and “related” experience as well as the demographic variable “age” have significant predictive powers on the overall local identity aspect. Based on the above research findings, the researcher proposes suggestions for future development of various marketing events to be held at “Yancheng District’s Boai Village” as well as future research.


place identity event experience


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