  • 期刊


A Study of the Relation between Community Empowerment, Social Capital, and Sense of Community-A Case of Gang-Kou Community in Kaohsiung City


社區培力是一項透過專家的協助與訓練,啟發居民發揮集體力量、社區參與的精神,塑造本身文化特色,藉以活絡社區能量的過程;而社區培力融合社會資本的發展概念,以往於社區層次裡較少受到重視與研究。是以,本研究目的,除釐清居民培力認知與社會資本的關係外,並加入社區意識變項,進一步探討彼此的影響程度爲何,最後提出相關建議,作爲未來引導政策介入社區營造規劃參考。 本研究係以高雄市小港區港口社區居民爲問卷發放對象,共得208份,資料分析採因素分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及集群分析等方式進行,歸納研究結果如下:一、居民的社區意識與培力認知、社會資本與培力認知相關分析方面,兩者在各因素構面皆具有顯著相關。二、居民基本屬性與培力認知相關分析顯示在性別、年齡、居住時間、職業、住宅等方面具有顯著相關。三、在集群分析方面,將居民對社區培力認知類群分爲「高集體效能認知」、「高社區資源認知」和「高個人資源認知」三群;其與居民社區意識與社會資本的八個因素的ANOVA分析皆達顯著差異。 社區居民應該能發揮本身的特質以居民自主、自立與自律的能力,運用社會資本,建立社區的成長與集體合作,故本研究乃依實證分析結果提出具體政策規劃建議有三項:一、活化與深化社區人才培力模式以強化社區之認同,形成並內化爲共同的價值觀。二、串聯社區網絡與資訊傳遞機制以凝聚社區關懷。三、培力對於居民自信心的增進效果。


The community empowerment is a process of improvement of community power through the professional assistance and training to inspire residents to develop the collective power, community participation and to create the culture characteristics. However, the concept of social capital was not focused and analyzed in traditional community discussion. That is, this research not only distinguishes the relation between community empowerment and sense of community, the factor of social capital is also added to investigate influence among all factors. Finally, this research proposes some related suggestions as a reference for future policy in Integrated Community development filed. The objective of this research is focused on the Gang-kou community, Siao-gang district, Kaohsiung City, and 208 questionnaires are investigated. Factor analysis, the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, Cluster analysis are employed and several focal points are found: (1) There is significance between the correlations between sense of community with empowerment cognition, and social capital with empowerment cognition. (2) The correlation between basic characters of residents (such as sex, age, time of living (residential period), occupation, and accommodation) and empowerment cognition are significant. (3) In terms of Cluster analysis, the empowerment cognition is divided into three groups, ”high collective efficiency cognition”, ”high community recourse cognition”, and ”high self-recourse cognition”. It reveals the differences between sense of community and the eight factors of social capital in the ANOVA test are all significant. The resident should be able to develop their own characteristics, employing the ability of independence, self-supports, and self-restraints with empowerment and social capital to create the opportunities of community growth and collective cooperation. In accordance with the research results, three recommendations are proposed: (1) to activate and deepen the empowerment training model for residential talents to strengthen the community's identification and to create and to cultivate common values; (2) to condense community care by connecting community networks and information communicating systems; (3) the empowerment results in positive effects on self-confidence of residents.


劉駿賢(2015)。探討最適社會親近類型─ 以彰化德興社區發展協會為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0112813
