  • 學位論文


The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Low-Achieving Ninth Graders' Electricity Learning

指導教授 : 温媺純


本研究目的旨在探討合作學習教學策略對九年級低成就生電學學習的影響。研究方法採混合研究法,研究班級以方便取樣,篩選該班學習成就在後35%的學生(8名)作為研究對象。教學方法採小組遊戲競賽法與共同學習法,前者包含六節課,後者包含四節課。研究工具採質量混合方式,量化工具有學習動機量表、學習參與量表、電學學習成就測驗,以描述性統計、相依樣本無母數檢定分析學生在前後測的作答結果;質性工具有晤談資料、課堂錄影資料、研究者課室觀察紀錄、學習單,用以佐證量化資料的發現,並深入探討影響改變的因素。 研究發現:(一)低成就生後測學習動機量表總分顯著高於前測,其中如主動學習策略、科學學習價值、成就目標與學習環境誘因等四向度有顯著成長,原因為:喜歡與同儕討論、同儕可協助解決困難、熱愛操作實驗、生活化的內容使學生感受到實用性、實驗材料取材生活化有吸引力、喜歡競賽與獎勵、喜歡有趣而幽默的影片作為情境題等等;然而,在自我效能、非表現目標導向二向度沒有顯著成長;(二)低成就生後測學習參與量表總分顯著高於前測,原因為:跟同儕討論很開心、喜歡親手操作實驗、教學內容生動有趣、競賽很有趣、想要贏得獎勵等等;(三)低成就生後測學習成就測驗得分顯著高於前測,低成就生可瞭解一些基本概念,例如:電能公式E=QV、E=Pt與電功率公式P=IV、電解時兩極金屬的溶解、電解液選用的原因、三用電錶的識讀等等。因此,合作學習確實對九年級低成就生在電學學習上有顯著正面影響。最後,本研究提出後續研究及教學相關建議,可供其他研究者或教學者參考。


This study aims to explore the effect of cooperative learning for low achievers in 9th grade on learning of electricity. The research design utilized a mixed-methods research design. The subjects of this study were 8 low achievers who included in the lowest 35% learning achievement level in the class of this study. The teaching methods were Teams-Games-Tournament, which contained 6 classes, and Learning Together, which contained 4 classes. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were used. The quantitative instruments included learning motivation questionnaire, learning engagement questionnaire, learning achievement test of electricity which were all analyzed using nonparametric statistics to compare students’ performance before and after the entire instruction. The qualitative data, including semi-structured interviews, class videos, class observation records, and learning sheets, were analyzed to better understand the findings of quantitative data. The results showed that: 1. Scores of learning motivation questionnaire were significantly higher in post-test for low achievers. Low achievers liked to do experiment and discuss with classmates who could help to solve problems, the experiment equipments were closed to daily life, competitions and rewards were attractive, and questions in tournaments presented by videos were humorous. However, significant improvement wasn’t found in two dimensions: self-efficacy and non-performance goal. 2. Scores of learning engagement questionnaire were significantly higher in post-test for low achievers. Low achievers liked to do hands-on experiments and were happy to discuss with classmates, the instruction was fun and vibrant, the competitions were interesting, and rewards were attractive. 3. Scores of learning achievement test were significantly higher in post-test for low achievers. Low achievers could learn some fundamental concepts and formulas. Therefore, cooperative learning became a positive impact on the learning of electricity for low achievers. Finally, this study provides some suggestions for the future research and teaching by the use of cooperative learning.


