  • 學位論文

傳統航空及廉價航空績效之比較: 以台日航線為例

Performance Analysis for Traditional Airlines and Low Cost Carriers: Study on Taiwan-Japan Routes

指導教授 : 江家瑜


隨著台灣經濟的發展,出國旅遊是國人放假休閒的選擇之一,而商務客也在亞洲各大城市移動,所以航空業迅速的擴張版圖。開放天空政策的互惠讓國與國之間的橋樑更加緊密,旅客們可以更輕鬆的到達想要前往的城市與目的地。因此,開放天空政策進而影響航空業績效增減是個值得探討的議題。 本研究以資料包絡分析法分析台灣實施與日本開放天空政策後對傳統航空與廉價航空績效之影響。本研究結果發現,在台日開放天空政策協定簽署後,各航空公司的績效會有顯著成長,其中,傳統航空的績效在台日開放天空後較廉價航空佳。不過,隨著廉價航空在市場的經營,初期雖然效率較差,但各項載客率及效率值隨著逐年的發展而提升,所以廉價航空績效超過傳統航空是指日可待。


With the development of Taiwan’s economy, traveling abroad is one of the choices for Taiwanese people to relax for leisure, and business travelers are also moving in major cities in Asia, so the aviation industry has rapidly expanded its territory. The reciprocity of the open-sky policy has made the bridge between countries even closer, and passengers can more easily reach to the destination where they want to go. Therefore, it is an important issue to explore that open sky policy affects efficiency of the aviation industry. This study uses data envelopment analysis to analyze the impact of Taiwan’s implementation of the Open Skies Policy with Japan on the performance of traditional aviation and low-cost aviation. After the Taiwan-Japan Open Skies Policy Agreement is signed, the performance of each company will grow significantly, among which, the traditional aviation Performance is better than low-cost carriers after opening sky in Taiwan and Japan. However, as low-cost airlines operate in the market, they were initially inefficient, but the passenger boarding rates and efficiency values increased with year-on-year growth, exceeding the efficiency value of traditional aviation, is just around the corner.


1.交通部民用航空局 (2005、2016),「九十五年至一百零五年民航統計年報」,台北:民用航空局會計室編印。
