  • 學位論文


An action study on effect of a problem-based STEM curriculum for senior high students’ problem solving ability

指導教授 : 温媺純


本研究運用行動研究法,探討問題導向的STEM課程對高一學生問題解決能力與態度之影響。研究對象為中部某高中的20位高一學生,為期四個月,實施雙循環之行動研究。第一循環包含前測任務、兩次課程與中測任務,為期4週;第二循環包含三次課程與後測任務「裝水車」。研究採質、量並行之方式進行資料收集與分析,量化工具為問題解決能力自我檢核表、高中學生問題解決態度量表以及問題導向STEM任務評分等,以上工具在研究前、中、後進行共三次施測,並進行重複量數變異數分析。質性研究工具包含課室觀察錄影錄音資料、晤談內容與學生筆記,並進行編碼與後續分析詮釋。 研究發現問題導向的STEM課程能夠提升學生之問題解決能力與態度,經過晤談內容顯示學生對此課程抱持正向、肯定的態度,並認為課程設計能增進問題解決能力。研究者建議科學的學習可跨領域並輔以任務挑戰,使學生能活化思考、運用所學並能提升問題解決能力。未來也可以對不同年級與一般學生進行研究,並針對不同性別學生進行深入探討,做為未來教學與課程設計之參考依據。


STEM 問題解決能力 高中生


This action research investigated a problem-based STEM curriculum for senior high school students’ abilities to solve problems and their attitudes toward problem solving. Twenty tenth graders studying in central Taiwan were involved in this four-month experiment. We planned this 40-hour, two-stage study based on STEM intending to improve problem-solving ability and tasks were given to student groups and they were asked to design their own experiments to solve the problems. The method of study is both quantitative and qualitative. On the one hand, the Self-Inspection List of Problem Solving Ability (Li, 2003), the Problem-Solving Attitude Inventory (Tsai, 2004) were the quantifying tools. We also designed three different problem-solving tasks: the pre-, mid-, and post-tasks to evaluate students’ improvement in problem-solving abilities during these two action cycles. Repeated measures were used to analyze the results of the pre-, mid- and post-test. On the other hand, video and voice recording, interviews and student notes were served as the qualitative tools. This study found that the STEM curriculum was helpful to enhance senior high school students’ problem-solving abilities and their attitudes toward problem solving. The results of the qualitative analyses showed that students upheld a more positive attitude towards the curriculum of interest, and the students agreed that the STEM curriculum was conducive to students’ increased ability to solve problems. It is implied in the present study that the curriculum design played a role to improve the students’ thinking and problem solving ability. Moreover, scientific education can be interdisciplinary. Taking more factors such as gender, different grades into account, future research may explore more upon the topic.


方崇雄、游光昭、林坤誼(2008)。 數學-科學-科技(MST)統整課程與國中生創造力之關係。科技教育學報,1(1),1-27。
吳木崑(2009)。杜威經驗哲學對課程與教學之啟示。臺北市立教育大學學報, 40 (1),35-54。
