  • 學位論文


How do the social welfare service centers connect community resources to strengthen the family support services for vulnerable children and teenagers

指導教授 : 鄭依萍


本案研究針對社會(家庭)福利服務中心(下稱社福中心)服務社區內身處不利情境脆弱家庭之兒童及少年的家庭支持服務,採質性訪談研究方法,實際訪談8名熟稔彰化縣社福中心及社區組織者,包含督導、資深社工、村里長、志工隊長等,針對社福中心如何有效結合社區組織及資源,提供家庭支持服務方案,協助育有兒少的脆弱家庭、社福中心如何培力有潛力或有意願之社區組織或人士投入脆弱家庭支持服務,發展在地家庭支持服務強化脆弱家庭之社會資本、社區組織如何成為脆弱家庭之家庭成員與相關網絡單位的中間橋樑這三個研究問題提出討論。 研究發現有三,第一社福中心和社區結合的有效策略,先找到關鍵人物並和這些人建立良好的合作關係,透過資源盤點讓社區看到自己內外在的問題,開啟雙方合作的可能;第二社區人力合作與培力不足,社福中心在培力志工方面較為不足,主要係因為社福中心與社區兩者間服務內容、方式、性質等差異性較高,因此現階較少培力社區志工;第三就社區如何成為服務橋樑,提升脆弱家庭社會資本方面,現行社區所提供家庭支持服務大多配合節慶所辦理,較少針對脆弱家庭或特殊議題活動,且其活動缺乏連貫與延續性,又社區代表受訪者表示考量鄰里關係且不甚熟悉線上通報系統,因此如有發現需社福中心服務脆弱家庭,多以電話直接與轄內社福中心社工討論,由社福中心社工評估是否列入個案管理或通報保護服務。 本研究根據研究資料提出幾項政策推動建議,第一社區多半因節慶辦理家庭活動,顯示社區有自行規劃與辦理活動能力,社福中心可輔導社區延伸節慶活動辦理家庭支持方案;第二結合社區志工,擴大志工服務量能,發展脆弱家庭兒少關懷志工;第三強化社區居民認識脆弱家庭,友善鄰里主動關懷,最後試行推動社區自主聯盟,協助社區內脆弱家庭。 最後,在這個績效量化的時代,由社政單位所提供各項家庭支持服務,對於脆弱家庭確實是有其服務成效,但時難以用量化方式展現,建議未來對此方現有興趣研究者,在符合研究倫理與個案保密情況下,對此類服務成效進行進一步研究。


This study is to explore the family support services provided by the social welfare (family) service centers serving the children and teenagers of vulnerable families in the communities. Through in-depth interview, this study collected eight interviewees who were familiar with Changhua social welfare service centers and local communities, including supervisors, senior social workers, village chiefs, volunteer team leaders, etc, toward how the social welfare service centers connected community resources effectively to providing the family support, assisting vulnerable families with children and teenagers, empowering potential or willing community organizations or people participated in services for vulnerable families, developing localization family support services to strengthen vulnerable families `social capital, and how the communities becoming the bridge of vulnerable families and the networks. The results were as follow: I. The effective strategies for the connection of social welfare service centers and communities In order to promote the possibility of cooperation between social wel-fare service centers and communities, firstly, need to establish good coop-erative relationship with the key person, and make the communities seeing their internal and external issues through resource inventory. II. The communities `teamwork and empowerment are insufficient. The social welfare service centers are short of investing in communities volunteers at the present stage, mainly because of the high differences in services, means, properties and so on. III. The communities can become the bridges and elevate the social capital of vulnerable families The communities providing the family support services are mostly com-bined with festivals, and shortage of services for vulnerable families or un-usual issues, and the activities are often lack of coherence and continuity. Besides, the community representative interviewees said that relationship between neighbors and being unfamiliar with the online notification sys-tem, making them use the phone to discuss directly with the social workers of the social welfare service center in areas when discovering vulnerable families needing services. Then the social workers will evaluate whether they demand case management or be notified the protection services. According to the results mentioned above, some policy suggestions were proposed: I. Most communities plan activities according to the festivals, showing that the communities have the abilities to plan and manage activities on its own. So social welfare service centers can guide them to extend the festival ac-tivities for family support programs. II. Expanding the volunteer service energies, the social welfare service centers can link the community to develop children's caring volunteers for vulnera-ble families. III. Making the residents to know vulnerable families, establishing friendly neighborhood and takeing the initiative caring. Finally, promoting com-munity autonomy alliances to assist vulnerable families in the communities. Lastly, in the performance appraisal period, the various family support services provided by the social and political departments are indeed effective for vulnerable families, however, it`s difficult to quantify. It is recommended that those who are interested in this research can do further research on the effectiveness of such services in compliance with research ethics and case confidentiality.


(一) 專書
內政部(2000)。《 社會工作辭典》。台北市,內政部。
王金永等譯(2000)。《質化研究與社會工作》 。台北市:洪葉文化。
