  • 學位論文


The After-school Programs Impact Assessment for the Disadvantaged Children on Self-Efficacy and Social Support

指導教授 : 彭武德


本研究採用調查法,目的在探討高雄地區弱勢家庭兒童及少年社區照顧服務計畫的實施,對於弱勢家庭兒童在自我效能以及社會支持之成效。母群體是高雄市目前有承辦兒少照顧計畫的87個機構中的國小三至六年級兒童,採用叢集隨機抽樣法,以機構為抽樣單位,依據高雄市的五個福利行政區域每一區域各抽三間機構,實際測得13間。資料蒐集方法是由研究者以郵寄問卷至該機構,請機構指定一位工作人員填答「機構人力」問卷,再對其機構內課後照顧班3-6年級兒童進行集體施測,之後郵寄回覆。總計獲得有效樣本數為機構13間及兒童232位。所得資料以SPSS分析,結果摘要如下: 一、女生的社會支持及自我效能得分都高於男生。 二、不同年級的兒童在社會支持與自我效能上無顯著差異。 三、父母婚姻狀態不同的兒童在社會支持與自我效能上無顯著差異。 四、兒童服務參與頻率越高,其社會支持及自我效能總得分也越高。 五、兒童接受課後照顧服務年數與社會支持及自我效能得分無直線相關。 六、機構採用不同人力擔任課輔老師時,兒童的社會支持與自我效能得分無顯著差異。 七、課輔班師生比在16~20位的兒童社會支持得分高於6~10位的。 八、弱勢兒童的社會支持與自我效能有高度正相關。 最後依據研究結果與討論,提出政策面、實務面以及研究面之建議供參考。


Utilizing the survey research method, this study is aimed to explore the impact of the Afer-school program (ASP) for the disadvantaged children on self-efficacy and social support. The population is set up as the children, who were grade 3 to 6 and were taken care by the ASP of welfare agencies in Kaohsiung city. Cluster random sampling method was utilized, where the agency was the sampling unit, to recruit each three agencies from the five welfare administration areas in Kaohsiung city. Using mailing questionnaire as the data collection method, the researcher mailed the questionnaire to each agency and asked the agency to assign a staff to fill out the part of “agency human resources” questionnaire and help administer the group testing in the children’s class, and then mailed back. In total, 13 valid sample units of agencies and 232 children were collected. The data was then analyzed using SPSS and the results are summarized below. 1.Both the girls’ social support and self-efficacy were higher than the boys’. 2.No significant difference was found on either social support or self-efficacy among different grades. 3.No significant difference was found on either social support or self-efficacy among different statuses of parent’s marriage. 4.The more frequently the children participated in the agency’s service, the higher their social support and self-efficacy were. 5.The number of years that the children have participated in the agency was not linearly correlated with the social support and self-efficacy. 6.No significant difference was found on either social support or self-efficacy among different human labors of class teacher. 7.On social support, the children of agency teacher-student ratio ranged at 16-20 scored higher than those ranged at 6-10. 8.The social support and self-efficacy of the disadvantaged children were highly and positively correlated. At last, according to the research results and discussion, some suggestions were made regarding the aspects of policy, practice, and research.


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