  • 學位論文


Influence of students’ self-made Physics videos on learning motivation and achievement

指導教授 : 洪連輝


為因應多媒體世代以及108新課綱的來臨,研究者認為若能將「素養」、「探究與實作」結合學生喜愛的「多媒體」,也許除了能引起學生之學習動機,也能讓學生發揮自身創意去建構物理知識。因此研究者以5E探究式學習、學習金字塔為基礎設計一套為期十週的探究課程,結合多媒體及影片拍攝引起學生動機,讓學生從未知的現象中探索、建構知識,並在最後以學生自己的方式產出一部物理教育相關的影片。 研究者以課程前後所施測之科學學習動機量表(Tuan, Chin & Shieh, 2005)、第一次段考成績與第二次段考成績、成就測驗量表進行量化分析,並輔以學生學習歷程檔案報告中所包含的質性資料、總結晤談進行質性分析。研究結果透過量化數據分析顯示課程前後之段考成績表現達顯著提升(t = -2.83 , p < .01)、成就測驗量表前後測亦達顯著提升(t=-7.29, p<.01),課程前後之自我效能向度、非表現目標向度達顯著提升(t = -2.03 與 t = -2.93 , p < .01)。進一步輔以質性資料佐證後發現,透過這樣以發展影片作為引起動機的課程設計能使學生對於自我效能認知提高、較能夠勇於挑戰未知,且更知道學習並不是為了得到成績,而是為了自我成長而學習。


Ministry of Education released the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula in February 2016 and scheduled to be implemented in August 2019. In response to the Curricula, the researcher believes that if teachers can combine “essential literacy,” “inquiry and practice,” and the “multimedia” which is this generation students’ love, it may arouse students’ motivation for learning. Besides, the researcher believes this kind of combination enable students to develop their creativity and construct Physics knowledge. Therefore, the researcher designed a curriculum based on 5E inquiry learning and pyramid of learning, combined with video filming to stimulate students' motivation. The curriculum allowing students to explore and strengthen knowledge from unknown phenomena then finally produce Physics videos on their own way. The researcher undertook statistical analysis based on the Students’ Motivation Toward Science Learning questionnaire (Tuan, Chin & Shieh, 2005), achievement test scale and sectional exam scores before and after the course. Next, the researcher qualitative analyzed on students’ learning portfolios and summary interviews. According to the statistical analysis results, there were significant improvements on achievement test (t=-7.29, p<.01), sectional exam (t=-2.83, p<.01), the Self Efficacy (t=-2.03, p<.01), and the Non Performance Goal (t=-2.93, p<.01). Based on qualification datas for further understandings, the researcher also found out that students can improve their Self Efficacy cognition, be more courageous to challenge the unknown, and know that learning is not for good grades, but for self-growth.


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