  • 學位論文


The study of fair use issue in digital teaching materials of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) production

指導教授 : 楊智傑


「磨課師」,在中國則稱之為「慕課」,源自英文MOOC或是MOOCs之音譯,代表著「大規模開放線上課程」(Massive Open Online Course)其縮寫。簡言就是必須借用網際網路來進行遠距教學,因此成為當前熱門的學習模式,因此又稱為「翻轉教室」、「翻轉教學」。然而我多次在國立雲林科技大學磨課師製作會議時,發現到本校教師皆有反映他們在製作磨課師教材時,受到當前著作權法的侷限,無法自由使用網路上所搜尋到的素材進行製作磨課師課程,進而激起本研究的動機與目的。 本研究方法採用「內容分析法」、「半結構性訪談法」與「比較法」。「內容分析法」主要是搜尋相關議題之研究,透過文獻探討與分析,了解先前學者在製作磨課師課程時,所遭遇著作權法之羈絆以尋求解套之方式,他山之石,可以攻錯。再來「半結構性訪談法」則是針對本校教育部第一期與第二期磨課師製作師資,進行訪談,並運用「紮根理論」分析與歸結當前製作磨課師時的難題,與當法所得學者文獻作相互對應。 最後「比較法」的部分則是以我國當前著作權法上的教學合理使用條款:第46條、第47條、第65條與經濟部智慧財產局所提出四版修正草案,來比較美國「技術教育與著作權協調法」(The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act〔TEACH Act of 2002〕)―其影響美國著作權法第110條第1項(17. U.S.Code. §110(1))、第2項(17. U.S.Code. §110(2))與第112條第f項(17. U.S.Code. §112(f))其修正,以及探討美國著作權法合理使用條款第107條(17. U.S.Code. §107)。希冀本研究成果能提供本校磨課師製作團隊參考,並成為我國未來著作權法修正草案所需之建議。


MOOCs, the new wave of learning pattern that is shocking the world. From the United State of America to China animated to producing the Massive Open Online Courses. MOOCs by definition, it is a kind of distance learning via the internet. Sometimes people define it in“Flipped Teaching”,“Flipped Learning”, and “Flipped Classroom.”When I joint in the MOOCs production meeting several times in the National Yun-lin University of Science and Technology. I always heard the teachers whom want to against the copyright law with using the online materials or sources for their program. It make me to start this study to solve this problem. The methodologies of this study are Content Analysis, Semi-structural Interviews and Comparative Law. Firstly, in the part of Content Analysis means this study surveys currently references to understand other scholars’ solution in similar conditions in the world. In addition, in the part of Semi-structural Interviews, it targets the teachers of the first and second period of Yun-Tech MOOCs programs. I also use the Grounded Theory to analyze the data after the interviews for understand their thoughts and problems in executive process. In the part of Comparative Law, I compare America’s The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002 (The TEACH Act of 2002)that how iteffects 17 U.S.Code§110(1), §110(2), §110(f) and §107 to Article 46, 47, 65 and the four Amendments in The Copyright Act of R.O.C. (Taiwan). This study aims to clarify and specify the current niche in our act. In the end, it will provide comments and suggestions for our MOOCs team and next Copyright Act Amendment for our country.


(1)Jonathan Grix著、林育珊譯,TOP研究的必修課:學術基礎研究理論,1版,寂天文化事業股份有限公司,2008年12月。
