  • 學位論文


Course Design, Instruction Evaluation and Technical Support for Incorporating Lego Robotics in A.I. Education

指導教授 : 黃申在


有鑒於人工智慧教學上的困難,本研究依循動手做經驗學習、問題導向學習與認知學徒制知識社會建構的學習理論,利用樂高機器人及Greenfoot軟體作為實體性科技教具,並配合自行開發的遠距主從式遙控程式模組,來輔助人工智慧課程教學。我們遵循ADDIE課程發展模式階段,來規畫及安排整體課程以營造認知學徒制的學習環境,並以新版之Bloom教育目標分類框架來訂定教學目標,利用問題導向學習及體驗學習模式來設計四次機器人實驗,由淺而深並搭配課本理論,逐步引導學生學習。四次實驗從可實體觀察動手實作之樂高機器人(Lego RCX)入手,到遠端連線從Server端以藍芽控制樂高機器人(Lego NXT),最後則是Greenfoot之視覺化虛擬程式設計,學生們分組操作,透過動手做與實務回饋,引導學生了解人工智慧議題及聯結課堂講授的理論與抽象概念。 最後在評量階段,以科技中介學習模式為核心,結合部分科技接受度理論的構面,提出一機器人的使用如何影響學習態度的理論假説模型,並利用問卷取得學生知覺與學習態度資料,進行分析與驗證。本研究發現課程之教學安排對學生的心理學習狀態有正向影響,而學生的心理學習狀態對學習滿意度有正向影響,顯示本研究所規畫的教學安排及四次實驗設計受到學生的肯定,也確認在好的課程規畫及實驗設計,搭配樂高機器人,是可以達到良好的人工智慧教學效果。


Granting that teaching Artificial intelligence is difficult, we look into ideas from learning theories, including experiential learning, problem-based learning and cognitive apprenticeship, and explore the use of LEGO Robots and Greenfoot as teaching aids with a client-server module for supporting remote-control operation. We follow the ADDIE steps and set up four experiments in accordance with the ideal learning framework of Cognitive Apprenticeship. Learning objectives are developed and classified by the modern Bloom taxonomies. These four experiments are designed and developed following the Problem Based Learning and Experiential Learning. The four experiments correlate course materials textbook and proceed gradually along with the degree of difficulty. The first experiment use Lego RCX for primitive operations, the second use Bluetooth to remotely manipulate the LEGO NXT robot, the third simulates a soccer game with competing two robots, and the forth employs the Greenfoot as the game platform for two competing teams of two virtual robots each. Students are divided into six teams to confront with and then learn AI issues, theory and concept, by the hands-on experience and feedback within. At the Evaluation stage, we propose a model with TML as the core and TAM for refining the psychological aspect. A survey questionnaire is designed to collect information about students’ perceptions and learning attitudes which are then analyzed for verifying the proposed model. In sum, pedagogical arrangement positively influences psychological learning states of students, which in turn, positively influences their learning satisfaction. The result confirms that students agree with the pedagogical arrangement and those four experiments. It then indicates that good teaching outcome can be expected with well-designed plan supported by the use of Lego robots in designed experiments.


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