  • 學位論文


The Ergonomic Study of Powerless Hand Tools- Using

指導教授 : 何正斌


操作閘閥啟閉作業,因操作員屈就工作環境與不當手工具,採不良姿勢,於長期工作下,易造成手部、上肢及背部肌肉職業傷害。因此為降低職傷風險提升效率,本研究使用「三因子完全隨機化集區設計」實驗,探討兩種工作介面(高閥、低閥)、三種長度( 短柄、中柄、長柄)非動力手工具及兩種工作姿勢(前拉與後推式)對閘閥啟閉作業之影響。實驗結果發現:(1)作業績效:低閥優於高閥,手工具以短柄最佳、中柄次之、長柄最差,且前推式較後拉式績效佳;(2)主觀施力知覺評量:於低閥作業發現手臂及肩膀部位疲勞程度均顯著比高閥作業小,就整體RPE而言,中柄最低、短柄次之、長柄最高,而前推式與後拉式兩者並無明顯差異。另本實驗發現受試者之手臂、肩膀及全身三部位,均呈現高疲勞程度,且經24小時後手臂及肩膀仍為最疲勞部位。最後本研究建議操作閘閥啟閉作業,採用低閥工作介面、非動力中柄板手工具及前推姿勢進行作業。


閘閥 非動力手工具


One common operator activity in petroleum industry is to open or close valves. Improper postures and tools at poor work condition caused operator’s hand, upper limb and dorsal muscle injuries. Hence, apt to reduce working injury and raise the efficiency, the study adopts three factors completed randomized block design to discuss the effects of two working ranges (high or low valve positions), three handle lengths (short handle, middle handle, long handle) tools design, and two working postures (front push and back pull) on open or close valve activity. The study found: (1) work performance: The time to open or close low valve is shorter than high valve interface. Tool with short handle is the best than middle handle and long handle. Operator using front push posture is better than back pull posture. (2) RPE: The arm and shoulder RPE is smaller when operators working at low valve position. To sum up, middle handle tools have better RPE than short and long handles. However, the RPE shows no significant difference between front push and back pull working postures. Furthermore, the study shows the arms, shoulders and whole body had biggest RPE. After 24 hours, arms and shoulders still the most fatigue parts for the participants of the experiment. Finally, the study suggests to use middle length handle tool and in front push posture when operators open and close valves.


Gate Valve Powerless Hand Tools


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