  • 學位論文


The Learning Potential Assessment of Parent - Child Interactions for Preschool Children between Native and Immigrant Mothers from Southeast Asia

指導教授 : 江淑卿


本研究目的在透過親子互動式學習潛能評估,提昇新移民與本國籍女性家庭的幼兒語言與數算能力,並分析新移民與本國籍女性與幼兒之親子互動行為和認知功能之改變情形。 本研究採立意取樣,選取高屏地區東南亞國籍女性,及其大班幼兒12對為實驗組Ⅰ,並選取母親教育程度和社經地位相似之本國籍女性,及其大班幼兒12對為實驗組Ⅱ,24對受試皆接受語言和數算模組之親子互動式學習潛能評估。實驗組Ⅰ、Ⅱ的實施程序為「前測-中介學習階段-後測」。在前後測階段,幼兒施測「學前兒童語言能力測驗」、「學前兒童語言障礙評量表」、「學前兒童數算能力測驗」、「幼兒數學能力測驗」,並觀察在遊戲情境的親子互動行為。在中介學習階段,進行「親子互動式學習潛能評估」活動,母親運用自發的策略,引導幼兒學習語言、數算模組的16個活動,並觀察在學習情境的親子互動行為。控制組取自江淑卿(2004)資料,控制組未實施中介學習,前後測階段幼兒施測與實驗組相同,但未有親子互動行為觀察。前後測以三因子混合設計變異數分析,將實驗組在遊戲情境、中介學習情境的親子互動影音資料,依母親引導策略、幼兒反應類型與認知功能加以歸類,並計算次數與百分比。研究發現︰ 一、新移民與本國籍女性幼兒語言、數算能力之改變效果 新移民與本國籍女性幼兒接受「親子互動式學習潛能評估」後,在「學前兒童語言能力測驗」、「學前兒童語言障礙評量表」的「語言理解」、「口語表達」分測驗,以及「學前兒童數算能力測驗」、「幼兒數學能力測驗」得分有進步,其結果未因家庭類型不同而有差異。 二、新移民與本國籍女性與幼兒親子互動行為之改變情形 在前後測的「遊戲情境」中,新移民與本國籍女性的正向引導策略增加,負向策略減少,其中本國籍女性較能運用多種策略。同時,新移民與本國籍女性幼兒因母親的引導,對學習更主動和積極,且消極分心行為減少,新移民幼兒維持高度興趣和探索的學習反應並會主導要求母親。 在「語言模組學習情境」中,新移民與本國籍女性多採用注意互動、有意義策略,本國籍女性運用策略較新移民女性多變化。同時,新移民與本國籍幼兒多為回應、順從反應;新移民女性幼兒給予、探索、主導要求、消極分心反應較多,本國籍女性幼兒的印證堅持反應次數略高。 在「數算模組學習情境」中,新移民與本國籍女性主要採有意義、注意互動、超越策略;新移民女性運用策略較少變化,又以自我調整、負向消極策略較多。同時,新移民與本國籍女性幼兒多為回應、順從反應類型,新移民女性幼兒主導要求、印證要求、探索、抗拒、消極分心反應比本國籍幼兒較多。 三、新移民與本國籍女性與幼兒認知功能之改變情形 在「語言模組學習情境」中,新移民和本國籍女性會因居住地區的不同,影響母親教導子女所使用的語言,其互動方式受家庭、母親個性、孩子的反應影響;本國籍女性比新移民女性較有統整性和規律,新移民女性在語言理解、語意、語法、語用上,幾乎都能瞭解,而語音與表達有明顯腔調的問題。經由語言模組學習活動,新移民和本國籍母親在語言表達有進步,母親更能引導幼兒學習語言活動。同時,新移民和本國籍女性幼兒經語言模組學習活動後,其語言理解、溝通、語意、語法、語用進步。 在「數算模組的學習情境」中,新移民與本國籍女性的基本數算能力差異不大,教導幼兒學習數算的方式極為相似。同時,新移民與本國籍女性幼兒在唱數、記數、數量大小的學習佳且差異不明顯,本國籍女性幼兒,在數序、數量合成分解、數字符號認讀、位數/進位、心算等難度較高的活動表現比新移民女性幼兒好。 本研究試探親子互動式學習潛能評估之成效,依據結果提出建議,以供新移民與本國籍女性親職教育,以及其幼兒學習潛能評估研究之參考。


This study has aimed at the Learning Potential Assessment of Parent-Child Interactions to improve the language ability and mathematics ability of immigrant and native mothers from Southeast Asia and furthermore to analyze any development in the parent-child interactions and cognitive function for preschool children between native and immigrant mothers from Southeast Asia. The study used purposive sampling method to obtain 12 parent-child pairs of Kaoping regional Southeast Asian women and preschool children as experimental Group I, and 12 parent-child pairs of native women of similar educational and socio-economical status and their preschool children as Group II. All 24 pairs of parent-child have been tested on language and mathematics modules for the learning potential assessment of parent-child interactions. Experimental Group I and II have undergone Pretest-Mediated Learning -Posttest procedures. During the pretests and post tests, the children have given preschool children language ability test, preschool child language disorder assessment, and children mathematics ability test and the behaviors of parent-child were observed during these activities. In the mediated learning procedure, the mothers of the experimental groups were requested to apply spontaneous strategies to guide children to solve the MLE tasks of language and mathematics modules, and the behaviors of parent-child interaction of the learning context were observed. The data colleted from the subjects of two control groups of the previous study (Jiang, 2004) were adopted by this study. The children of the control groups had received four tests as pretest and posttest without mediating learning procedure and observation of the parent-child interactions. The pretest and posttest have been tested with the Three-Factor Mixed Design variance analyses, categorized the learning context of experimental group, the visual data of mediated learning context and spontaneous strategies of mothers with the reaction types and cognitive functions. The study findings from the frequency and percentage have indicated that: 1. The improving factor of native and immigrant mothers Native and immigrant mothers have improved after Learning Potential Assessment Device (LPAD), but the results were not differed from different family types. They all scored well on preschool children language ability test, the language comprehension and verbal expression within preschool child disorder assessment tests, and preschool mathematics ability test and children mathematics tests. 2. The development of parent-child interactions of immigrant and native mothers In language learning module context, immigrant and native mothers were intentionality, reciprocity and meaning strategies where native mothers were prone to have diversities. Meanwhile, both groups of children were responsive and obedient; the main children reactions of immigrant mothers were exploratory, and their resistant, passive and diversionary reactions decreased, but native children scored slightly higher in direct and request reactions. In mathematics learning module context, both parents used intentionality, reciprocity and meaning strategies; where immigrant mothers had less strategically changes and expressed more self-modifying and negative strategies. Meanwhile, both groups of children were responsive and obedient in nature. But children of immigrant mothers exhibited more direct requests, explorative, resistant and passive and diversionary reactions than native children. 3. The cognitive functional changes in children of immigrant and native mothers In language learning module context, different maternal living regions would affect the mother tongues of children and the interactions were influence by family, parental personality and the children’s own reactions. Native parents provided more systematic and pattern teaching; whereas immigrant mothers had significant intonation and accent problems, despite, they were competent in language comprehension, semantics, syntax, and social usages. Through language learning module activities, both groups of parents improved in linguistic expression and were better in directing children’s language learning activities. At the same time, both groups of children have enriched their language comprehension, communication, semantics, syntax and social cues. In mathematics learning module context, the basic mathematics abilities were indifferent in both parental groups and the mathematics learning methods were similar in their teaching styles. Both groups of children demonstrated equally acquisition in numbers counting, memorizations, and amount of numbers. Native children performed better in number order, doing sums, recognition of numerical symbols, decimal system, or even mental calculation. The study has explored the effect of LPAD of parent-child interactions to propose education for immigrant and native mothers based on the researched results, and hence providing reference on the Learning Potential Assessment Device for their children.


江淑卿 (2006a)。兒童歸納推理學習潛能評估系統之發展研究。教育心理學報,38卷2期,105–129頁。


