  • 學位論文


Exploration the contemporary hunting of aborigines – Ai-Liao group of Rukai Tribe in Taiwan

指導教授 : 裴家騏 博士


狩獵對於原住民而言,普遍都是其重要的維生方式及文化傳承,原住民狩獵文化在保育上始終爭議不斷,國內關於原住民獵區的空間地理分布的研究資料也較少。本研究以屏東縣霧台鄉內之魯凱族隘寮群為例,透過深入訪談法和全球定位系統等技術,紀錄當地狩獵文化並將其保存、數位化,也藉此了解獵區之空間分布與特性、並探討野生動物資源利用模式的現況。研究期間總共完成了六個家族傳承獵區,面積由0.4至18 Km2,一個獵區中,會密集進行狩獵活動的陷阱區數量在2個到5個之間。一個獵場會有一個以上的陷阱區,但每一個狩獵季節只會使用其中的一個陷阱區。長期而言,一個獵區中的陷阱區平均僅占9.3%的面積,而單一狩獵季節內,所利用的陷阱區平均面積僅占2.9 %。獵人間狩獵行為有差異,主要是受到家族背景與年齡因素所影響,50歲以上的獵人較易受到傳統文化所規範。隨著遷村與社會型態改變,2009年後至今,山上獵人數量銳減,30歲以下的獵人趨近於零。本研究根據當地山羌的密度,計算其永續狩獵量,顯示其狩獵活動確實具備永續性。但狩獵文化卻受到政策、經濟與宗教等因素,嚴重影響狩獵文化裡的保育與經營管理概念。


Hunting, for the aborigines, is an important way of subsistence and cultural preservation, and their hunting culture in the conservation management has always been controversial. The research data on the geographic spatial patterns of aborigine hunting areas are also relatively rare in Taiwan. This paper is to describe whether the traditional hunting culture of the Ai-Liao group of West Rukai Tribe in the Wutai Township in Pingtung County has the concept in the conservation management. I used in-depth interviews, Global Positioning System and Geographic Information System. I also used a new record method- Global Positioning System Logger- to record the data I need. Preserving and digitizing this information, I can describe the spatial distribution of hunting areas and features, the effect of the traditional culture on these spatial distribution patterns, and the status of patterns of resource use. During the research period I completed a total of six family heritage hunting area, an area of from 0.4 to 18 Km2. In a hunting area, only 2-5trap areas that have intensive hunting activities. There are more than one trap areas in a hunting ground, but every hunting season will only use one trap area. The result shows that the trap area is only 9.3% of the hunting area, but the trap area is only 2.9% used of the whole hunting area during the hunting season. Hunters over the age of 50 are more susceptible to traditional cultural norms. With the relocation of the village and the social structure changed, since 2009, the number of hunters dropped, below the 30-year-old hunter approaches zero. In this research, based on the density of the local muntjac, calculate its sustainable hunting, showing its hunting activities do have the sustainability. Therefore the traditional hunting culture does have the concept of sustainable use. However, the traditional hunting culture had been effect by the policy, economic and religion. These factors seriously affect the traditional hunting culture in the concept of conservation management.


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