  • 學位論文


The Relevant Problems to be Faced for Female Construction Workers in Practical Engineering

指導教授 : 柯亭帆


隨著時代之進步與教育之普及,女性從事營建工作的人數愈來越多,而其所衍發之相關問題是值得探討之一項課題。因此本研究旨在經由問卷調查與統計分析探討女性營建工程人員從事實務工程所面臨的相關問題。本研究係以高雄市在建工程案之工作者為研究調查對象,共抽取樣本207人,回收問卷200份,經刪除無效問卷12份後,有效問卷共188份,有效回收率90.8%。 所有樣本資料經彙整後進行獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法之分析處理,獲得的研究結果有:(1)不同背景變項工作者在「刻板印象」具顯著之差異。(2)不同背景變項工作者在「成功恐懼」具顯著之差異。(3)不同背景變項工作者在「工作投入」具顯著之差異。(4)「刻板印象」與「成功恐懼」能有效預測「工作投入」。 依上述研究結論,本研究建議提出的有:(1)屏除「意識層面」與「性別角色」之偏見,因而降低「刻板印象」之信念。(2)注重「人己關係」的學習,藉以減小「成功恐懼」的因子。(3)拓展及爭取應有的「權力關係」,以提升「工作投入」的熱情。(4)適度的紓解「工作壓力」與「角色衝突」,才能擁有愉悅的「工作感受」。(5)發揮職場影響力,以獲取更有利的「權力關係」。(6)提升自信、確認目標,積極正面的態度成就「前程發展」。


With the progression of society and the improvement of education, more and more women have devoted themselves to their careers, even in the area of construction. Therefore, the problems that the female workers have to face in construction draw a lot of attention and are therefore chosen as the topic of the research. This study is aimed at focusing on the relevant problems the female construction workers face with the analysis of questionnaires answered by them. A total of 207 questionnaires were distributed to the female workers being in construction in Kaohsiung aera. With the valid return rate of 90.8%, 188 valid questionnaires were analyzed while 12 of 200 returned were deleted for its invalidation. By means of independent-sample and paired t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression, the conclusions of the research are made as follows:(1)There is a significant difference noted for workers with various backgrounds in terms of stereotypes. (2)There is a significant difference noted for workers with various backgrounds in terms of fear of success. (3)There is a significant difference noted for workers with various backgrounds in terms of devotion to work. (4)Stereotypes and fear of success can efficiently predict devotion to work. Based on the results of the study, some suggestions are made as below:(1)Avoid the bias of gender consciousness to reduce the factor of stereotypes. (2)Emphasize the learning of socialization to decrease the factor of fear of success. (3)Cultivate and strive for authority to enhance the passion for devotion to work. (4)Release pressure and reduce role conflicts to enjoy the pleasure of work. (5)Be more influential in the work place to gain more powerful authority. (6)Strengthen confidence and confirm goals to achieve career accomplishment with positive attitude.


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