  • 學位論文


Satisfaction Assessment on the Production Traceability Systems for Tree Seedlings

指導教授 : 陳朝圳


林木生命週期長,種苗來源往往因造林資料傳承無明確落實,造成種源追溯困難,為達成林木種源、基因保存及資源永續利用之經營目標,引入生產履歷於苗圃之苗木生產流程管理有其必要性。隨著網路與資訊科技的快速發展,資訊電子化管理已成為一個熟悉的傳播管道,結合生產履歷與資訊電子化管理,應用於苗圃苗木生產作業與流程,並利用行動設備進行紀錄與監控,建立苗木生產履歷資訊,提供即時性資料,便於資訊查詢容易,有助於提升苗木生產與管理之效能,以達長期林木生產管理之目標。本研究為探討履歷制度導入苗木生產之可行性與系統滿意度,藉由苗木生產履歷系統的開發,並將之視為一個資訊系統,以資訊系統成功模式(Information Systems Success Model, ISSM)為研究架構,建構苗木生產流程與管理規範。透過問卷調查與深度訪談瞭解林務局苗圃作業人員的系統接受度與使用需求,共回收40份有效問卷與14次訪談記錄,並將之歸納整理與分析,探討苗圃作業人員對於苗木生產履歷制度之認知程度與系統滿意度,結果顯示苗圃作業人員對於苗木生產履歷制度之認知程度達70%以上,並不因個人變項資料而有所差異。以皮爾森相關係數(Pearson correlation coefficient)檢定苗木生產履歷制度與系統之相關性,結果顯示當苗木履歷制度建構越完善,對系統使用之效益與影響越高,而系統與平板之操作功能應考量現場實務作業需求,以提升系統使用意願與可行性。本研究亦以造林種源保存之議題進行探討,對於早期設置之母樹林,隨時間變遷與需求不同,應重新評估與增設,以落實種源提供與物種基因保存多樣性之目的。另外研究應用迴歸分析(Regression analysis)模式檢視影響系統滿意度之因素,結果顯示系統與資訊品質對苗木生產履歷系統之使用意願與使用者滿意度較具顯著之影響,為提升平板作業之使用意願與滿意度,應加強及改善平板作業模式之應用彈性、便利性與操作性。本研究可提供苗木生產履歷系統發展與改善之參考。


The traceing of genetic resources are difficult, because tree growth has long life cycle and the tree seedling sources of afforestation are not clear data transmission. In order to achieve the objectives of clear provenance, genetic conservation and forest sustainable use, import the process of traceability systems in nursery seedling production is necessary. In view of internet and information technics are rapid development and electronic information management had become a familiar media channels. Combined the traceability and electronic information for nurseries of seedling production process and using mobile equipment to record, monitor the production process and establish the tree seedling traceability system were feasible. Seedling traceability could be easier to query the real-time information to improve the effectiveness of seedling production and to keep the genetic information for long-term timber production management. In this study we develop a seedling traceability system and use the Information System Success Model (ISSM) to assess the feasibility and satisfaction for this system. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were be used for assessing the feasibility and satisfaction of tree traceability system by nursery operators. A total of 40 valid questionnaires and 14 interview records were collected. The results showed that the tree seedling traceability was recognized more than 70% and there does not significant difference between individual variables of nursery operators. We used Pearson correlation coefficient to test relationship between the tree seedling traceability system and seedling production process, the results showed if the tree seedling traceability system more perfection, the user effectiveness would be higher. The tablet PC system operating function needs to consider the on-site practical operation and improve the system with user willingness and feasibility. We also discuss the issues of genetic provenance preservation that the seed collection area was early setting, and cause the change of time and requirement; it should be re-assessed and added the ideas of genetic diversity preservation. In addition, we applied regression analysis to test the effect factors of system satisfaction, the results show the system and information quality are significantly impact user willingness and satisfaction. To enhance the user willingness and satisfaction of tablet PC operating, it should strengthen and improve the tablet PC operating mode flexibility, convenience and maneuverability. All of results of this study could provide as a guide of development and improvement for tree seedling traceability system.


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