  • 學位論文


The Investigaion on Housing Reconstruction after typhoon Morakot

指導教授 : 丁澈士 博士


莫拉克颱風,超大雨量使台灣地區遭受重大災害,是台灣有記錄以來第一大規模颱風。因氣候變遷,重大災害不斷發生,避災防災之措施,突來重大災變後的安置、重建之必要性及時效性,是刻不容緩的議題。因應將來天然災害無法避免,受災之災民如何安置,及災區之重建或另覓安全處所興建等。 本研究主題為莫拉克颱風造成嚴重災害之家屋重建探討。在台東、屏東、高雄等地區, 援建單位台灣世界展望會、紅十字會和謝英俊建築師事務所在災區進行多處災後重建。謝英俊建築師自921地震後, 全心投入災區重建,採用的營建方式以輕鋼構為主結構,配合各種綠建築建材更有彈性及更開放的使用,興建過程以協力造屋方式讓災民能共同參與家屋之興建。此次所興建之房舍分成三類型如避難屋、中繼屋、永久屋此三種家屋。本研究對於重建過程的探討及親自參與,針對家屋的營建方法進行研究,檢討案例實踐過程中建築技術的應用、居民參與的程度。1.結果發現輕量型鋼較易般運,甚至以人力接駁亦可到達,對建築施工影響較小。2.輕量型鋼經設計規劃後在工廠加工運至災區,只需組裝即可簡單之說明就可上手,不必有專門之技術即可施作。3.輕量型鋼與杉木板,輕量型鋼與泥土,杉木與泥土這些構造的施作與實驗,反映以上材料具有多樣性的組合,便宜隨手可得。4. 對於自然環境的傷害也可以減到最小,並藉由參與的過程,讓居民與志工學習保護自然的觀念。5. 目前台灣社會對於建築構造研發上的想像是非常狹隘,建築技術是昂貴的,受壟斷的,無法落實於一般大眾。6. 建築的專業性中不只有技術,應具有基本對於環境保護的態度與信念及解決人類根本生活的意義性。


Typhoon Morakot wrought catastrophic damage in Taiwan. It was the deadliest typhoon to impact Taiwan in recorded history. The impact of climate change results in occurring catastrophes. The prevention and reaction towards disasters; the necessity and importance of resettlement and reconstruction are serious global issues nowadays; issues such as appropriately settling disaster victims, relocation or reconstruction on disastrous area… This research is about reconstruction projects of Typhoon Morakot at areas of Taitung, Pingtung and Kaohsiung in Taiwan. The projects were sponsored by NGO groups World Vision Taiwan, and Red Cross, designed and constructed by Architect Hsieh Yin-Chun and his team. Architect Hsieh Yin-Chun has been devoting to the reconstruction at disastrous area after 921 Earthquake. Houses of his projects are built with light weight steel structure, with the “open system” and versatile adoption of various green materials. It was built with cooperative effort so that victims could take part in the reconstruction of their own houses; this helps as a therapy after the disaster and enables the people to gain new professional skills of construction. 3 prototypes of houses were designed namely the sheltering house, the temporary house and the permanent house. This report is based on my involvement and investigation of the reconstruction process, on how cooperative construction is carried out under the light weight steel structural system, focusing on construction method and management; the application of architectural knowledge and the participation of future residents of these houses By researching in the methods of reconstruction, the techniques of construction and the degree of participation of the future residents, several subjects are concluded in the following: 1. Light-weight steel is very mobile and easy to be transferred, even with human labor. 2. Light-weight steel can be designed and prefabricated into simple model in the factory before transferred to sites. 3. Light-weight steel can be well integrated with different materials such as Pine board and soil which are cheap and easy to locate. 4. Such methods can reduce the human impact to our environment and educate the locals by their participation. 5. The current architectural construction model in Taiwan is expensive and monopolized, entirely excluded the common people. 6. The professional principle of architecture not only includes the techniques of construction but has to integrated the attitude to protect our environment and the solutions to the fundamental


9、 林麗珠,2002,《開放式界面之建築構造理論》,國立成功大學建築研究所博士論文。
2、Nabeel Hamdi、Reinhard Goethert,張恆輔、徐芳菁、張曉玲,民國88年,《都市行動規劃—社區實務指引》,台北:六合出版社
