  • 學位論文


Construction of Evaluation Index for the Personal Mobile Learning System

指導教授 : 孟祥仁


隨著時代的進步,學習的資源也日新月異,不單是使用傳統的教科書、教師的教學引導、更進一步的電腦輔助教學(CAI)等學習的資源。經文獻研究瞭解發現優質教學系統無外乎涉及到教師、學生與系統本身三者互動關係。多維層次中所涉及學生、教師和系統三者自然有所不同。本研究擬以個人化行動學習系統設計針對教學者、學習者及系統本身進行評量指標之建構,因此在進行研究之前蒐集相關理論與文獻,以便進一步歸納與研究。研究的目的是運用德懷術調查法找出學生學習滿意度和教師設計的期望之間的差異。從多重角度檢視教師、學生及學習系統本身所應考量事項,以健全個人化學習系統之全域品質,分項目的如下: 一、建構與分析教學導向個人化行動學習系統評量指標。 二、建構與分析學習導向個人化行動學習系統評量指標。 三、建構與分析設計導向個人化行動學習系統評量指標。


With the progress of learning resources is also changing, not only is the use of traditional textbooks, teachers' guide, further computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and other learning resources. The literature study found that high-quality education system is nothing less than understanding involves teachers, students interact with the system itself, the three relationships. Multidimensional hierarchy involving students, teachers and the system of the three naturally differ. This study intends to personalized learning system designed for educators, learners and the system itself is constructed evaluation indicators, thus making prior to the study to collect relevant theory and literature, in order to further generalize and research. Purpose of the study is the use of Delphi technique survey to identify student learning and teacher satisfaction with the difference between the expectations of the design. Multi-angle view from teachers, students and learning system itself should be considerations to improve personalized learning system global quality, sub-project are as follows: First, the construction and analysis of teaching-oriented personal learning system evaluation indicators. Second, the construction and analysis of learning-oriented personal learning system evaluation indicators. Third, the construction and analysis of design-oriented personal learning system evaluation indicators.


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