  • 學位論文


The Creative Burr-Puzzle and Application on Furniture Construction

指導教授 : 江吉龍


本研究在以魯班鎖可拆裝結構特點之前提下,探究原有魯班鎖組裝與分離之特性,經歸類理解且彙整尋求具改良創新的魯班鎖結構,並進行其結構性能試驗與評估,嘗試設計製作家具加以印證,開發可適用於家具基本結構造型體之運用。茲歸納主要探究之結果如下: 1. 以感官感覺因素之結構化觀察法,探究市售5種魯班鎖桿件數量與拆裝過程之特性,進而採用型態分析法進行家具接合結構之組合與應用之配對,確立了創新魯班鎖結構化雛型。 2. 就所確立的創新魯班鎖結構化雛型,選用家具業常用之柚木、花梨木與紫檀等材料,試驗探討此結構各受力面彎距破壞之接合性能,並以簡單框架之結構分析,獲得了此創新魯班鎖結構適用於家具結構之設計運用。 3. 嘗試運用創新魯班鎖結構特徵,試行設計並製作「兩椅一几」家具組,印證本研究之創新魯班鎖結構,可適用於桌、椅類家具基本結構造型體之運用。 4. 經試作評估此創新魯班鎖結構於家具量產製造,應可達到加工過程簡化、降低工時、提升木料利用率,以及易拆解包裝、降低運送與倉儲體積之成本。


The research was focused on the structure properties of Burr puzzle which was creative designed in the assembly and disassembly processes. The designs have been evaluated and classified the properties by using the mechanical examination and analysis. Furthermore, the feature of Burr puzzle was applied to the furniture which could improve the flexibility and shape variations. The main results were summarized as following: 1. According the sensory perception parameter to evaluate the properties of the rod quantity and the disassembly processes from five commercial Burr puzzle products. The innovation Burr puzzle was analyzed and established by using patterns paired combination of furniture and application of the bonding structures. 2. The established Burr puzzle furniture which was made by various species of woods such as teak, rosewood and sandalwood. The feature designed specimens have been tested the bending strength of the connection nodes and the structural. Therefore, the research results could improve the innovative Burr puzzle which would be compliance the furniture safety standard. 3. There were significant structural features properties in "two-chair table" Burr puzzle furniture sets. The shape structure designed was evaluated and confirmed by the applications of table and chair furniture. 4. The evaluation results could create more efficiency in the furniture manufacturing such as simplify the processes, reduced working hours, improved timber utilization, easy dismantling and packing, shipping and storage costs lower volume.


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