  • 學位論文

夏威夷荷歐波諾波諾Ho’o ponopono回歸自性法融入國中對班級經營成效之探討—以屏東縣內埔國中為例

Self I-dentity through Ho'o ponopono in Hawaii integrated into junior high school to explore the effectiveness of classroom management - Taking Nei-pu Junior High School in Pingtung for example

指導教授 : 羅希哲


摘 要 學號:N10270015 論文名稱:夏威夷荷歐波諾波諾Ho’o ponopono回歸自性法融入國中對班級經營成效之探討—以屏東縣內埔國中為例 總頁數:133頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別﹕技職教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:103學年度第2學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:吳玟靜 指導教授:羅希哲博士 論文摘要:本研究旨在以「夏威夷荷歐波諾波諾Ho’oponopono回歸自性法」融入國中,並探討實施前後對班級經營的影響。以屏東縣內埔國民中學八年級的一個常態班為研究對象,使用實驗研究法進行前測與後測的實驗教學。研究結果發現「夏威夷荷歐波諾波諾回歸自性法」能正向影響常態班的班級經營,對班級的「教學活動」、「班級常規」、「同儕互動」、「師生互動」、「團隊合作」皆具有顯著正向影響。 從研究者的班級經營經驗來看,在班級經營的運用上,以「夏威夷荷歐波諾波諾Ho’o ponopono回歸自性法」融入國中班級經營,確實能發揮它的成效正向影響班級氣氛,提供正向管教及發展良好品德教育的力量,讓每位學生有存在感,幸福感以及活在當下感,將每位學生帶往正面樂觀、積極進取、珍愛生命、熱愛生活的方向,使學生有意義地,有意識地生存在這個世界上。 關鍵詞:荷歐波諾波諾、荷歐波諾波諾回歸自性法、班級經營


Abstract Student ID: N10270015 Title of Thesis: Self I-dentity through Ho'o ponopono in Hawaii integrated into junior high school to explore the effectiveness of classroom management - Taking Nei-pu Junior High School in Pingtung for example Total Pages:133 Graduate Institute:National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Institute of Vocational and Technological Education Date of Graduation: July,2015 Degree Conferred:Master Name of Student: Wen-Ching Wu Advisor: Dr.Shi-Jer Lou,Ph.D. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate self i-dentity through Ho'o ponopono in Hawaii to explore the effectiveness of classroom management. This study adopts a design of quasi-experimental research, including a pre-test and a post-test. The results of this study show that self i-dentity through Ho'o ponopono in Hawaii has positive effectiveness in the classroom management, especially in teaching activities, class regulation, the interaction between classmates, and the interaction between the teacher and the students. According to the results, self i-dentity through Ho'o ponopono in Hawaii has positive effectiveness in the management of a junior high school class, and it helps to promote the morality of students. Students will think positively, act actively, cherish and love their lives. Students will live a meaningful life in the world. Keywords: Ho'o ponopono、 Self I-dentity through Ho'o ponopono、 classroom management


