  • 學位論文


Business Model and Value Co-creation of Social Entrepreneurship:Case Study of International Volunteers Entrepreneurship

指導教授 : 謝如梅


摘要 學號:M10274001 論文名稱:社會創業之商業模式與價值共創:以國際志工創業為例 總頁數:95頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:科技管理研究所 口試時間及摘要別:104學年度第1學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:趙勤佑 指導教授:謝如梅 論文摘要內容: 現今,社會創業的議題越來越受到關注且重視,社會企業創立之宗旨目的是希望能夠透過以商業模式的經營型態,來解決一個或數個社會問題。同時企業在經營過程中,利害相關人和企業的關係是一種價值共創,利害相關人可以參與在當中,而且利害相關人和企業兩者相互扮演不同的合作關係,共同創造經濟價值及社會價值,藉此讓企業達到永續經營。因此,本研究目的為探討台灣志工型社會創業在創業過程中所發展之商業模式與價值共創的關係。 本研究採取質性研究進行,選擇較為多元化且符合研究方向的社團法人台灣微客協會作為本研究對象。並藉由深度訪談、資料蒐集、次級資料、參與觀察輔以資料的完整性,再從資料分析了解志工型社會創業在創業過程中,如何透過多元化的經營模式創造出經濟價值及社會價值。 關鍵字:社會創業、價值共創、商業模式、國際志工、微客


Abstract Student ID:M10274001 Title of thesis:Business Model and Value Co-creation of Social Entrepreneurship:Case Study of International Volunteers Entrepreneurship Total pages:95 Name of insitute:National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute of Management of Innovation and Technology Graduate date:January, 2016 Degree Conferred:Master Name of student:Chin-Yu Chao Adviser:Ru-Mei Hsieh The contents of abstract in this thesis: Today, social entrepreneurship is getting more and more attention. The purpose of social enterprises is to solve one or several issues by using business model and operation. In the process of social new venture creation, the stakeholders will play different mutual partnership to create economic value and social value with business, thereby allow enterprises to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between business model and value co-creation of the Taiwanese volunteer social entrepreneurship. This study was conducted by qualitative research, focusing on a Taiwanese volunteer social enterprise - WAKE Corp as a case study. The research method combined in-depth interviews, secondary data, and participant observation. The results showed the contents and process of how to create economic and social value through a diversified business model in Taiwanese volunteer social enterprise. Key words: social entrepreneurship, value co-creation, business model, international volunteers, WAKE Corp.


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