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  • OpenAccess


Organization Rebirth with Social-Oriented Transformation Strategy and Social Value Creation: The Case of Antique Assam Tea Farm




The corporate with social transformation has to meet the changes of his vision, strategy goal, and technology, and then consequently creates social value. This paper presents a conceptualization of social-oriented strategic transformation based on exploring the content of social-oriented business strategy, technology change, transformation in organization, and social value creation in a black tea factory of the large agricultural company in Taiwan. The findings are showed as below: (1) while the firm highly motivated in social mission would incorporate the social value oriented concepts into business objectives and organization vision to enhance social strategic transformation. (2) The firm under social strategic transformation would implement social-oriented technologies, including green process technologies, social-mission product technologies, and social-value marketing technologies, to help organization change. (3) In line with social-oriented strategic transformation, the social concepts should be widespread among employees within organization with several ways such as learning of social knowledge, organization identification of social concepts, and the formation of social-man culture in organization. (4) A firm with social-oriented transformation in business strategy can create social values both of social concepts and social capabilities, through implementing social-oriented technologies and formulating social organization.


