  • 學位論文


Influence of Chicken Manure , Plant Growth Regulator and Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer on Fruit Quality in Wax Apple. ( Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry )

指導教授 : 顏昌瑞


蓮霧栽培管理對果實品質影響甚鉅,尤其施肥管理更相形重要。本次試驗是以6年生大果種蓮霧植株為材料,應用雞糞肥、植物生長調節劑及海藻液肥,在催花後進行實驗處理,並於果實成熟,採樣及分析各處理之間果實品質差異的關係,以提供合理的使用方法,作為田間實際應用之參考。根據所有果實量測資料顯示,使用肥料及生長調節劑的各項處理,果重、果長、果寬的果實外觀及果肉厚度、硬度、糖度,與對照組比較,皆有增加的效果,蓮霧果皮色澤反應結果,也較對照處理有明顯加深果皮著色及轉紅現象。僅有在可滴定酸差異不為顯著,未在此加以進一步討論。 在不同重量的雞糞肥之處理,觀察到45 kg雞糞肥之處理,出現抽新梢多於其他處理的情形,可能是氮過多所造成,雖然果重、果長及果寬均有明顯增加,但在糖度、硬度及果皮色澤卻些微低於30 kg雞糞肥的處理,所以30 kg雞糞肥為最適當施肥量處理。在不同濃度的生長調節劑之處理,以60,000 倍勃激素GA3加入Cytex (實際濃度為800倍,以下均同)的處理對果重、果長及果寬有明顯提升之效果。並且在果重方面與單一藥劑GA3及對照組都有顯著的差異,發現添加Cytex對於果實生長與GA3相較之下更有效果。在不同次數的海藻液肥之處理,以海藻液肥噴施於植株葉面的研究結果,在果重及糖度都有隨著噴施次數增加而增加,從記錄中發現海藻液肥噴施次數3次、5次的處理間數值相差甚微,在經濟觀點上,噴施次數3次的處理推薦為使用條件。


The management of wax apple (Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry) plant have a great effect on fruit quality. Especially, fertilizer is more important to fruit growth. This study was conducted on 6 year's old wax apple plants (Big-fruit cultivar) after forced flower. Chicken manure, plant growth regulators (PGR) and seaweed liquid fertilizer (SLF) were applied to study their effects on fruit quality. Results revealed that fruit quality (in terms of fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, flesh thickness, firmness and sugar content) was improved after treated with fertilizers and PGR. Furthermore, fruit skin color of wax apple showed deeper red in treated plants. However, the difference in titratable acidity is not significant. New shoot growth was more for treatment of 45 kg chicken manure. It may be caused by excessive nitrogen from chicken manure. Although fruit weight, fruit length and fruit width were significantly increased, but the sugar content, firmness and skin color was slightly less than 30 kg chicken manure treatment. Therefore 30 kg chicken manure was recommended in management. The treatment of GA3 (1 mL/60 L of water) and Cytex (1 mL/0.8 L of water) was more effective in increasing fruit weigh, fruit length and fruit width. Especially fruit weight was significant differences than GA3 alone and control. On the other hand, Cytex added showed more effect on fruit growth than GA3 alone. The treatment with different rates of SLF increased fruit weight and sugar content, and its effects increased with spray frequency. However, 3 sprays of SLF were recommended from the economical point.


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