  • 學位論文


Application of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag on Producing Concrete Blocks for Slope Protection

指導教授 : 鍾文貴


煉鋼工業廢棄物-「爐渣」的資源化再生料雖已廣泛應用作為工程材料,但現階段仍以作為路基回填與瀝青混凝土材料為主。本研究主要目的在於應用中鋼煉鋼衍生廢棄物之改質轉爐石再生粒料作為混凝土的骨材,用來產製混凝土護坡砌塊。首先進行改質轉爐石再生粒料的基本物性試驗,再依其物性採用正交試驗設計法將改質轉爐石再生粒料、水泥和水等三者以適當配比混拌製作混凝土試體。試體濕養護齡期7、28、56天後進行抗壓強度,統計歸納得強度最高的優選材料配比。 試驗結果顯示用正交分析法優選材料配比製作的混凝土試體,其抗壓強度為272 kgf/cm2,已達到依據水土保持混凝土砌塊目標設計強度210 kgf/cm2 以上的要求,再以此材料配比作為產製三種型式護坡混凝土砌塊之依據。本研究成果可將煉鋼爐渣再生料有效地應用在工程實務,達到廢棄物資源化的永續利用。


轉爐石 再生骨材 混凝土


Industrial waste the "slag" resource of renewable material has been widely used as a construction material, but as with asphalt concrete roadbed backfill material so far. The main purpose of this study is to apply the modification of steel-derived waste converter stone recycled concrete aggregate, and used for producing concrete revetment blocks. Modifying the first converter stone basic properties of recycled aggregate testing according to the properties of the orthogonal test design method for modified converter stone recycled aggregate and cement in an appropriate ratio of mixed water to make specimens. Try to wet on the curing period of 7, 28 and 56 days after the compressive strength that gather statistics of inductive strength optimization of materials with the highest ratio. The results of test are optimized by orthogonal analyses method of material ratio produced specimens of the compressive strength for 272 kgf/cm2 and has reached the basis for soil and water conservation requirements of concrete block target design strength more than 210 kgf/cm2. Ratio of this material is a basis for producing concrete block slope protection. The results of this study are steel-making slag recycled can be effectively used in engineering practice and achieve the sustainable utilization of waste of resources.


Basic Oxygen Furnace(BOF) Recycled Concrete


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[3] 王金鍾,2005,「轉爐石做為基底材料及其工程特性之研究」,博士論文,國立成功大學土木工程研究所,台南,第5-6頁。
