  • 學位論文


Study on MBOF Slag Used for Pervious Concrete

指導教授 : 吳志興


本文以中鋼公司之改質轉爐石作為透水混凝土骨材,添加強笙公司之固化劑,製作透水混凝土試體。骨材粒徑為 4.75~19.0 mm,配比水泥用量C取150 kg和350 kg,水灰比W/C範圍各為0.90~1.00和0.54~0.64。搗實工具為長條型鋼棒,底部為直徑5 cm、厚度2 cm之圓型鋼板及底部為5#westeur024#5 cm、厚度2 cm之方型鋼板二種搗實工具,分別用於圓柱試體及梁試體,並以相同的搗實程度製作試體,施作垂流量、抗壓強度、抗彎強度、透水係數及孔隙率等試驗。試驗目的在滿足透水性、保水性需求下,尋求最大混凝土強度的W/C。 試驗結果顯示,C=150 kg之28天最大強度之W/C皆為1.00,其抗壓強度和破裂模數各為61 kgf/cm2和23 kgf/cm2。C=350 kg之28天最大強度之W/C皆為0.64,其值各為fc=153 kgf/cm2和R=42 kgf/cm2。二者之W/C與垂流試驗預測結果之W/C=0.98和0.62很接近,證明垂流量試驗之可行性。C=150 kg之強度各為C=350 kg的0.40和0.55倍。C=150 kg之7天抗壓強度為28天的0.77倍,7天破裂模數為28天的0.81倍;C=350 kg則為0.83倍和0.93倍,皆高於一般常重混凝土之0.70倍,故本固化劑有早強作用。C=150 kg和C=350 kg之28天破裂模數對抗壓強度比R/fc之範圍各為0.29~0.47和0.22~0.27,平均值各為0.37和0.24,皆高於一般常重混凝土之0.15倍。 C=150 kg和C=350 kg之透水係數k值範圍分別為0.62~3.38 cm/sec和0.38~0.80 cm/sec,平均為1.69和0.60,均遠大於臺灣建築中心建議透水性鋪面之基準值0.01 cm/sec。孔隙率n值範圍各為32%~42%和30%~35%,平均為38%和33%,皆大於基準值15%。 C=150 kg之最大強度配比為C=161 kg、用水量W=85 kg、固化劑Sp=1.6 kg、骨材用量G=2117 kg;C=350 kg則為C=377 kg、W=165 kg、Sp=3.8 kg、G=2119 kg。C=150 kg之強度fc=61 kgf/cm2、R=23 kgf/cm2,於深度6 cm之載重層可符合臺灣建築中心對A級鋪面之要求。C=350 kg之強度fc=153 kgf/cm2、R=42 kgf/cm2則稍小於C級鋪面耐磨層之評估基準。


The thesis used modified basic oxygen furnace (MBOF) slag by China Steel Corporation (CSC) as aggregate, and added the curing agent by Johnson Corporation in the making of pervious concrete. Aggregate particle size was between 4.8~19.0 mm. Cement amount in the mix were 150 kg and 350 kg. The ranges of water-cement ratios W/C were 0.90~1.00 and 0.54~0.64 respectively. Tamping tools were two steel rods, one with 5 cm diameter round bottom, 2 cm thickness and the other with 5#westeur024#5 cm square bottom, 2 cm thickness, were used to impact cylindrical and beam specimens respectively. The specimens were made by the same degree of impacting, and were performed the flow, compressive strength, flexural strength, permeability coefficient, and porosity tests. The purpose of the tests is to find the W/C of maximum strength for the concrete, which also have to meet the permeability and water retention requirements. Test results showed that, both the W/C of the maximum strength of 28 day concrete were 1.00 for C=150 kg. The values of the compressive strength fc and modulus of rupture R were 61 kgf/cm2 and 23 kgf/cm2 respectively. Both the W/C of the maximum strength of 28 day concrete were 0.64 for C=350 kg. The values were fc = 153 kgf/cm2 and R = 42 kgf/cm2. Both the W/C results were very close to the values W/C=0.98 and 0.62 predicted by the flow test, which proves the feasibility of the flow test. The strengths of C=150 kg, respectively, were 0.40 and 0.55 time of those of C=350 kg. The 7 day compressive strength was 0.77 time of 28 day and the 7 day modulus of rupture was 0.81 time of 28 day for C=150 kg concrete, while it were 0.83 and 0.93 time for C=350 kg concrete. Both of them were higher than 0.70 of normal concrete. Therefore, the curing agent has strength accelerating effect. The ratio of the 28 days compressive strength to modulus of rupture R/fc of the C=150 kg and C=350 kg were between 0.29~0.47 and 0.22~0.27, averaged at 0.37 and 0.24 respectively. All of them were higher than 0.15 of normal concrete. The range of the permeability coefficient k values of C=150 kg and C=350 kg were 0.62~3.38 cm/sec and 0.38~0.80 cm/sec, averaged at 1.69 and 0.60 respectively. Both were far beyond the criteria value 0.01 cm/sec proposed by Taiwan Architecture and Building Center. The ranges of the porosity n values were 32%~42% and 30%~35%, averaged at 38% and 33%. They were also larger than the criteria value 15%. The mix for the maximum strength of C=150 kg concrete is C=161 kg, water amount W=85 kg, curing agent amount Sp=1.6 kg, and slag aggregate amount G=2117 kg, and is C=377 kg, W=165 kg, Sp = 3.8 kg, G =2119 kg for C=350 kg concrete. The strength fc=61 kgf/cm2 and R=23 kgf/cm2 of the tested C=150 kg MBOF concrete can be used in class A pavement proposed by Taiwan Architecture and Building Center for load layer of 6 cm depth. The strength fc=153 kgf/cm2 and R=42 kgf/cm2 of the tested C=350 kg concrete is slightly smaller than the criteria of class C pavement for surfacing wear layer.


1.吳政松,2005,透水鋪面對工程環境之影響效益分析,碩士論文, 國立中央大學,土木工程研究所,桃園,第1-2、129、169頁。


